11-Year-Old Guitarist Leaves Judges in Awe with Van Halen and May Solos on Britain’s Got Talent!


With boundless energy and excellent technique, it’s easy to see why the aspiring guitarist earned a standing ovation

Olly Pearson – an 11-year-old guitar player from Wrexham, Wales – recently stunned Britain's Got Talent with a white-hot medley of classic rock bangers and tricky solos as he won over the judges’ hearts.

Wielding what appears to be a Patrick James Eggle guitar for his solo audition, Pearson's age-belying talents make for a heart-warming spectacle.

As Pearson explains, he started learning the electric guitar at the age of seven, and cites AC/DC's Angus Young as his favorite guitar player. For his audition, though, he drew upon the works of a few other guitar greats, who help him steal the show.

To a warm cheer from the crowd, he storms into a reverb-bolstered Highway to Hell, giving it the Young shuffle as he nails the riff, before delivering a very literal take on Van Halen's Jump fretwork workout and capping his performance off with a screaming take on Brian May's Don't Stop Me Now solo.

He even had the confidence to get up in the judge's faces at one point, having arrived well prepared with a wireless guitar system.

“I dream to become the best guitarist in the world,” Pearson had said before showing the judges, and an enthusiastic crowd, what talents he possesses. It’s a skillset that bodes very well for the future.

“Oh my god, Olly. Literally, a star is born. I have never, ever seen anything like that in my life,” said a shocked Amanda Holden, while fellow judge Simon Cowell offered him perhaps the highest praise he could: “You already have your own distinct sound, which normally people take decades [to find]. You’re that good! That was brilliant.”