2026 Secretly Has The Perfect Setup For The MCU's Fifth Hulk


When it premieres in 2026, Vision Quest is the perfect place for the MCU to introduce the fifth version of Hulk. Not only was Vision introduced as an extremely powerful invention in Avengers: Age of Ultron, but he also housed the Mind Stone. Vision’s status in the MCU after WandaVision is currently unknown, but the 2026 Disney+ series Vision Quest is set to provide plenty of updates on the character. One of the series’ biggest recent updates has been the confirmed return of James Spader’s Ultron after the villain was seemingly killed off in Age of Ultron.

Split image of Mark Ruffalo's Hulk in the opening fight of Avengers Age of Ultron (2015) on the left, Ultron in the final battle of Avengers Age of Ultron on the right

Custom Image by Severina Chu

Spader’s return as part of the Vision Quest cast means that Marvel must see a story worth telling with the character, likely in having Vision interact with his creator. However, Ultron didn’t create Vision alone as he had hypnotized Dr. Helen Cho to help him. Helen was last seen working at the Avengers Compound and there has been no real reason to bring her back to the MCU since, but Ultron’s appearance in Vision Quest could finally set up a reason for Helen to return as well. Alongside the fact that she co-created Vision, Helen is actually key to introducing the MCU’s fifth Hulk.

2026's Vision Show Has The Perfect Excuse To Set Up Brawn's MCU Story

Helen Cho Has Ties To Both Vision And Hulk

Captain America (Chris Evans) saves a wounded Helen Cho (Claudia Kim) after she is freed from Ultron's mind control in Avengers Age of Ultron (2016)

Helen Cho had a son named Amadeus Cho in the comics. The boy was seen as a genius very early on in his life and would eventually be targeted for his intellect. In an attempt to get rid of Amadeus, Helen and her husband were killed instead, leaving their son to fend for himself. He met Bruce Banner on his journey, and the two connected over being cursed geniuses of sorts. At one point in the comics, Banner’s Hulk was stuck with a dangerous amount of new radiation and Amadeus helped him recover by absorbing some of his powers.

Now with Hulk physiology, Amadeus operated under the name Brawn. He possessed the classic Hulk dual persona and learned to control it over time. If Helen Cho does return in Vision Quest, the show could serve as a subtle setup for Amadeus’ MCU future, as he’s a young character with plenty of potential. The character doesn’t have to be shown or mentioned outright in Vision Quest as it probably wouldn’t make much sense, but any allusion to Helen’s family or children would be enough to confirm Amadeus’ existence in the MCU.

Why Brawn Would Be Perfect For The MCU Right Now

He Can Be Part Of The New Generation

amadeus cho brawn

The MCU in its current state would be the perfect time for Brawn to join the franchise. Although Bruce has taken a backseat after Avengers: Endgame, the Hulks are having somewhat of a resurgence. Brawn would be the MCU’s fifth Hulk after Bruce, Jennifer Walters’ She-Hulk, Skaar, and Thaddeus Ross’ upcoming Red Hulk. With so many Hulks present in the MCU right now, Brawn would up the chances of future Hulk action sequences. With Amadeus set up in the universe, it would be an easy way to push Bruce back to the forefront when the right time comes.

Version Of The Hulk

Most Recent MCU Appearance

Bruce Banner/Hulk

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (2022)

Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (2022)


She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (2022)

Thaddeus Ross/Red Hulk

Captain America: Brave New World (2025)

The MCU can also use Brawn in the Young Avengers. A roster of young superheroes has gradually been introduced throughout the Multiverse Saga, and The Marvels confirmed that Kamala Khan is actively putting a team together. Brawn is a perfect candidate for the team with his intellect and powers, along with his ties to a member of the original Avengers. Assuming that Skaar will be part of the Young Avengers as well, having the two versions of Hulk interact would make for an interesting dynamic.

Brawn Could Be What The MCU Needs To Revert Smart Hulk Back To His Original Form

The Smart Hulk Character Has Run His Course

Smart Hulk at lunch in Avengers Endgame

Amadeus got his hero moniker because of his genius mind. Usually being called on for his brains, his Hulk physiology meant he now brought brawn to the table as well. A lot of his story in the comics focuses on how he can juggle both his human and Hulk sides, similar to what the MCU has been going for with the Smart Hulk character. There are plenty of reasons why it’s time for the MCU to revert Bruce to his original rage Hulk form, and the introduction of Amadeus would only help solidify this stance.

The Smart Hulk character has run his course and many fans want to see the original Hulk again. If Marvel is weary of reverting the character because they want him to represent a specific archetype, having Brawn come in as the Smart Hulk’s replacement would mean that the MCU can restore Bruce’s character. Of course, this all depends on whether Helen Cho does return to the MCU. However, Vision Quest would be a great place to do so and Marvel should make the most of this perfect opportunity to bring back Vision’s creator while also subtly setting up a future Hulk.