After All Bold & Beautiful’s Steffy and Finn Have Been Through, [Spoiler] Is the Unlikely Character to Break Them Up?!?
Credit: CBS screenshot (2)
The Bold and the Beautiful has tested Steffy and Finn time and time again. By having her cheat on him with Liam. By having Sheila turn out to be Finn’s mother. By having him “die,” come back to life and get macked on by kissing bandit Hope. So we really thought that the marrieds could overcome any obstacle. (Need a refresher? This photo gallery recounts all the occasions on which “Sinn” and their love triumphed.)
So we were shocked, absolutely shocked to hear Taylor tell her daughter in no uncertain terms that she had to leave her husband for her and their children’s safety’s sake now that Luna has turned out to be Finn’s daughter. Sorry, but WTH? First of all, so far as Taylor knows, Luna is behind bars and will be there for the rest of her life for Tom and Hollis’ murders. She poses a threat to no one. Second of all, wouldn’t Taylor, as a world-renowned psychiatrist, be at least curious to learn what motivated Luna and whether she might be rehabilitated?
More: Luna’s life and crimes [PHOTOS]
In our minds, yes. But in the show’s, clearly not. Taylor went from “Oh my stars, Luna is Finn’s daughter?” to “That’s it, Steffy, you have to dump him” in nothing flat. It was weird, right? Like when outta nowhere Bold & Beautiful had Carter telling Hope that he envisioned her in lingerie and when marriage-minded Thomas didn’t immediately tie the knot with Paris (and still hasn’t!). That Taylor would be protective of Steffy, we get, sure. But remember, it was also Taylor who pushed her daughter to allow Sheila to come hang out with the fam after her tie to Finn was revealed — and Sheila once “killed” Taylor!
More: What’s next? Find out
What do you think? Will Taylor, of all people, be the one to pry apart Steffy and Finn? Or will we someday look back at this and be like, “Of course, ‘Sinn’ pulled through — they always do!’?” On your way to the comments, scroll through the below photo gallery that lines up all the fallout from the Finn/Luna paternity reveal. Steffy and Finn’s problem is just the tip of the iceberg!