As Carter Hands Over Forrester, Poppy Disowns Luna — Who Goes Running Straight to [Spoiler]


Ridge and Eric are still flying high, thrilled that Carter has returned the company — and the precious, precious stapler, which the patriarch clutches throughout the episode — to them. And while Ridge is happy to have his friend and company back, he’s determined to have Carter admit that Hope manipulated him, big time. Carter earns a hug from Ridge when he admits “success means nothing if you alienate the people who mean everything to you.”

Ridge and Eric are flabbergasted when the COO takes out the much-discussed LLC and rips it up. Ridge is filled with pompous glory, and Carter realizes he still has to tell Hope what he’s done. The Forrester men rush home to tell Steffy, Taylor and Daphne — the latter of whom just admitted to having fallen harder for Carter than she intended — the good news.

Hope Fears Carter’s Made a Huge Mistake

Hope Carter B&B

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Fresh off a conversation with her mom about how much she loves and trusts Carter, despite that whole “kissed Daphne” thing, Hope is preparing a romantic evening to reconnect with her guy. But she quickly realizes that something has changed within him. Something is not the same. And just in case you weren’t watching five minutes ago, Carter flashes back to ripping up the LLC. Hope begs him to say that nothing has changed as the music swells dramatically…

Luna Wants A Fresh Start

Despite having been booted from Bill’s mansion, Luna is still hanging out there, holding court with visitors. In this case, it’s her mom, upon whom she’s heaping blame for everything that went wrong. She accuses Poppy of having slept with Tom and Bill in order to have men she could point the paternity finger at. Luna admits she’s hoping to somehow find love with Bill’s son, Will, adding that what she really wants is to reconnect with her mother. Can they, she asks, start again? Poppy’s answer… basically, “No way, Jose!”

Bold beautiful luna poppy

“The souls of Tom and Hollis will haunt you forever,” the furious mom declares. “You have brought unimaginable shame to the family, taking the lives of two men and framing me for your crimes!” Luna again says it’s basically Poppy’s fault for having seduced Finn, but her mom is having none of it. “How dare you make me feel guilty about Finn? You are a double-murderer, and you are not my daughter. You are evil!” Poppy pushes Luna away, literally, only to have the insaniac shout, “Don’t you touch me! Ever!”

Poppy cuts every argument Luna tries to make short, saying she’s fed up with her daughter’s sob stories about her childhood. “It wasn’t even that bad!” she says, accusing Luna of using this made up trauma to justify her horrific actions. She says no one — including Steffy and Finn — will ever want anything to do with her. “Get out of town, because you have burned every bridge. Your family has turned their back on you, and everyone despises you, as they should!” Poppy says there’s not a single person in this town who will ever want anything to do with her. In that moment, Luna has a quiet epiphany, the look on her face saying, “Hold my beer” as she heads down to Il Giardino.