In today’s episode of All About Luna, Ridge and Taylor are doing a bit of canoodling while talking about the only thing on anyone’s mind. The shrink worries that what Luna put Steffy through will leave her traumatized for years. There is, of course, much talk about Luna being Finn’s cousin and how that will impact the family dynamic. “Good thing they’re not blood related,” Ridge basically says of Finn and Luna. He goes on to brand the young woman as Finn’s “crazy cousin,” a phrase I’m willing to bet we’ll hear a whole lot of in the days to come.

Steffy Faces Her Worst Nightmare

Across town, we join Steffy’s freak-out already in progress as she continues to reel at the realization that her husband’s daughter tried to kill her. She says the reality of the situation is hitting her, especially what it means for Finn and their marriage. Knowing him as well as she does, Steffy says Finn obviously must be excited, on some level, about having a daughter.

Finn Steffy B&B

Finn wishes he could have been there when Luna was growing up. “You’re starting to scare me,” admits Steffy, what with him talking about Luna the same way he did Sheila upon finding out she was his mom. Finn hates “what Luna did.” (Commit murder. You can say it, dude.) Steffy wants to know why they’re being challenged again… and just then, she connects the dots and realizes that Luna is Sheila’s granddaughter. Spiraling, she freaks that the sick, twisted DNA has been passed on to Hayes. Perhaps accepting the inevitable, Steffy says there’s nothing he can do. “You brought this into my life, my family, my son.”

Calming down, Steffy imagines a way different future: “I just want to be happy and live a normal, simple life,” she laments. But yeah, that ain’t happening, what with his rotted-from-the-roots-up family tree.  Admitting her first instinct was to run out the door, Steffy softens and acknowledges that none of this is her beloved’s fault. They kiss, exchange loving words and vow that they will get through this. “The difference with Luna and Sheila is that Luna is in prison, and we’re never going to have to deal with her again,” says a lighter Steffy… who probably shouldn’t read the next paragraph of this recap.

Luna Makes a Friend

Remy promises to keep quiet about Luna hiding out at the mansion. When Bill comes home, she beats a hasty retreat, leaving Remy to basically ask Bill to provide him with more work in the future. The tycoon says he might, but only on the condition that his privacy be respected above all else.

Luna Remy B&B

Once Bill exits, Luna saunters out again to talk more with Remy. Despite him knowing who she is and what she’s done, the handyman offers to be her friend. And surely nothing bad can come of this particular pairing… right.

Sheila Scares Deacon

Customers at Il Giardino take a back seat as Sheila admits to Deacon she kinda sorta feels sorry for Poppy. Deacon’s not, given that her daughter killed two of his employees… er, friends. Sheila understands the pain Poppy’s feeling regarding her daughter. The difference, he points out, is that “your child is an upstanding doctor… hers is a nutjob!” In fact, he’s thrilled she’s behind bars.