Bleacher Creatures brave scorching temps to watch Yankees get cooked: ‘It kind of hurts’


That’s a real burn.

The scent of sunscreen and hot dogs hung in the air as thousands of Yankee Stadium’s dedicated Bleacher Creatures braved sweltering temperatures Thursday afternoon to watch the Bronx Bombers get torched by the Baltimore Orioles, 5-17.

“It is worth it or we wouldn’t be here,” Alexis Federico, 37, told The Post before her husband Peter, 54, butted in: “I don’t know — not with the score like this!”

Sweating Yankee fans sit in the bleachers.

Bleacher Creatures endured 90-degree weather Thursday to watch their favorite team get cooked

The couple and their two young kids, 12-year-old Lina and 14-year-old Rocco, were among countless fans who could be seen dousing themselves with bottles of water to cool off as the “heat dome” hovered over Yankee Stadium.

The players took the field — and the fans their burning hot seats — at 4 pm, not long after the heat hit its peak for the first day of summer.

Temperatures reached 90 degrees at 2 p.m. and brought with it a heat index of 91 degrees, FOX Weather forecasters told The Post.

But there was no relief in sight for the Bleacher Creatures. While the temperatures slowly dipped as the game dragged on, the real feel stubbornly stuck at a searing 90 degrees.

A mom pours water on her daughter's head.

Fans were buying up water at $5.85 a bottle just to douse on their heads

Red-faced, sweat-stained fans looked nearly as exhausted as the players and were all seen clutching beer and ice cream.

At $5.85 a bottle, the wet-down was one of the more expensive ways to keep cool, so many instead grabbed fistfuls of ice to rub on themselves.

The storied stadium was nearly half capacity, with up to 20,000 fans enjoying the game. But the exposed bleachers were nearly empty.

Many fans opted out of the zone — which was fully in the sun — for the refuge of the shade, even if it meant standing.

A fan gets doused with water bottles.

Red-faced, sweat-stained fans looked just as exhausted as the players

“It’s really hot … it kind of hurts. I wasn’t expecting this,” said Miranda P.

Like their fans, the Yankees also got cooked.

The Orioles celebrated the first score of the game and upped the ante early by running across home plate six times in the second inning.

The Yanks attempted a comeback, but failed to score a single run in the last four innings, ending the game with a sizzling loss.

A man uses a fan to relax.

Kieran McElroy Barker brought four misting fans to celebrate his birthday with the Yanks

“If we were winning the heat would be worth it,” Ronnie Perez of New Jersey told The Post at the bottom of the 4th, when the Yanks were down 8-3.

“I’m about to go inside at the bottom of the 7th,” he added, shaking his head — which was wrapped in a towel — in disappointment.

Plenty of other fans disagreed, however, and thought it was well worth baking in the sun for their beloved team.

“I knew it was gonna be this hot, I came prepared,” said Kieran McElroy Barker, who believed that braving the sun was the best way to spend his birthday.

Kim cannistra

Kim Cannistra pours water on herself to keep cool

Barker whipped out four portable misting fans, the kind that are popular at Disney parks — much to the entertainment of his friends, not that the birthday boy was letting them cramp his style.

“I burn like a little child so. It’s deplorable,” he said. 

But most didn’t seem prepared for the scorcher. Dean Ford of Westchester County was visibly sunburned when he told The Post he failed to put on sunscreen for the game: “I’m gonna pass out right now!”

Two fans sit, one with a towel on their head.

The Yanks ultimately lost the scorching game, 5-17

Still, the disappointed Bleacher Creatures haven’t yet experienced the worst of the heat dome.

The mercury is expected to climb to a high of 91 on Friday, followed by 90 on Saturday.

Sunday will hit a high of 94 with real-feel temps reaching 101 — closing in on a record heat.

The record for hottest ever June 23 in New York City was set in 1888 at 96 degrees.

Meanwhile, the Atlanta Braves visit Yankee Stadium on Friday, with the game set for a cooler start at 7:05 p.m.