Finn senses Steffy in Danger BB

Credit: CBS screenshot

Credit where credit is due: Bold & Beautiful fans have feelings that are bold and freakin’ ginormous. When I suggested that Taylor was overreacting when she insisted that Steffy leave Finn over his newfound biological tie to Luna, who at the time they thought was behind bars, I really thought I was right. So far as Taylor knew, Luna was safely behind bars and couldn’t hurt Steffy if she wanted to.

Fans, though… they disagreed. One in particular noted that I spent four paragraphs of this Friday’s Soapbox column “on Taylor being out of pocket for actually telling her daughter to get away from the man whose relatives keep trying to kill her. Oh, and never mind that Taylor is 100 percent on point with what she is saying… ”

Mind you, the reader in question didn’t wonder at all why Taylor didn’t have even the slightest interest in seeing, diagnosing or treating Luna, this despite being a world-renowned psychiatrist (without any patients that we ever see). The commenter was just aggravated that I had only spent two paragraphs reading “ungrateful, hypocritical, backstabbing Hope” for filth for proving to be just as myopic as Steffy by pulling a total Liam on Carter after his kiss with Daphne.


I can explain. I can’t imagine that it will matter, but I can. If Hope is a hypocritical, awful person, that speaks ill of her. Especially after she was so upset by the way she was treated by Steffy. But Taylor… we are told over and over that she’s this amazing shrink. Yet she never deploys her knowledge of psychiatry to help anybody or even to put someone’s mind at ease.

Luna is already using terms like “disassociate” to describe what happened when she killed Tom and Hollis. Wouldn’t even a half-assed shrink be curious about whether the murderess had splintered into an alternate personality owing to the rewrite that has told us she had a horrific childhood with Poppy? Wouldn’t Taylor be obliged to be interested or at least remotely compassionate?

Maybe not, since she’s already shown zero desire to help Hope, whose flitting from man to man has gotten her written off by the expert as a lost cause. And what assistance could Taylor offer, anyway? She’s so twisted that she has convinced herself yet again that Ridge isn’t going to dump her (also again) for Brooke (again again). Spoiler alert: He is. Here’s the proof.

Another reader remarked that they agreed with Taylor “for wanting Steffy to move into the family compound. Steffy needs to not confront bad people.”

But is that sensible… or Steffy? She doesn’t shy away from a fight. When she is wronged, she comes out swinging. Shouldn’t we all do the same? And even if Steffy were to distance herself from Finn, why would she move into the family compound? She’s richer than rich; she could buy an entire estate of her own with the change she finds in her sofa cushions!

What do you think? Should Steffy cut her losses — and Finn — or stick it out? Get a sneak peek at what’s to come the week of March 10 in our brand-new preview gallery.