Carly was stunned to learn that Brook Lynn was listed as the mother in Marty's notes. Lulu explained that she had talked to Cody and learned that Brook Lynn got pregnant when she and Dante were summer camp counselors more than 20 years ago. "If I keep this huge, life-changing secret from him, doesn't that make me as bad as Brook Lynn?" Lulu asked.
Carly reminded Lulu that she couldn't judge Brook Lynn. "You made a somewhat similar decision and I know you haven't forgotten about how difficult that was," Carly said, referring to Lulu's abortion when she was a teen. Lulu admitted it was hard, but she told Dillon about the abortion. Dante doesn't even know Brook Lynn was pregnant.
Lulu promised not to judge Brook Lynn, but Carly had another reason for Lulu to keep her mouth shut. The baby was now all grown up, and she would be upending a young man's life if she didn't keep this secret to herself. "This information could destroy a lot of lives. If you tell Dante, the fallout can be devastating. Are you ready for that?" Carly asked.
Carly also wanted to know why Marty had all this info. Lulu wasn't sure, but she told Carly all about Chase's sterility issues. "Maybe she's trying to find the baby she gave up," Lulu surmised. She then reminded Carly that if she kept the secret, then Carly had to do the same. Carly said she could because, in this situation, Brook Lynn reminded her of Bobbie.
Felicia brought James into the ER with a possibly broken arm. Willow and Isaiah examined him and learned that he was sledding — off the roof. James was afraid if he needed a cast, his mom would find out what he did.
Felicia informed her grandson that she was going to tell Maxie either way. James chose a pink cast because it was Maxie's favorite color. He hoped she would be less mad if he was wearing pink. When James spotted football star Kai Taylor, he got Kai to sign his cast.
Ric arrived at Portia's office at Ava's behest. He had no idea what the case was about but was curious to hear if it was lucrative. Portia admitted that it wasn't a hospital case. It was personal, and she was desperate. "Well, you must be desperate if you're talking to me," Ric said.
Ric pointed out that the only problem Portia had with him was his connection to Heather, but since that was over, he thought they could get along. Portia told him that this was about Heather, which confused Ric. "If I'm going to help you, you have to stop speaking so cryptically and tell me exactly what is going on," Ric stressed.
Portia explained the entire situation to Ric, who was stunned to learn a congressman was blackmailing the hospital chief of staff. Ric promised to do some research to see what the legal ramifications would be if Portia were to be exposed. For now, she just needed to let Drew believe she was cooperating. Portia sent Drew a text to indicate just that.
Drew met with Elizabeth at GH to talk about a hospital sports program for kids. Drew was helping sponsor the program in honor of Oscar. Trina and Kai also met with Drew about this new project. Trina introduced Drew to Kai as one of the people who saved her life in Greenland. Kai was happy to be a star athlete who would visit sick kids and promised to get other PCU athletes involved.