Canadiens: Michael Hage Was Their Man at 21st Overall


Hughes picked a good one at 21st overall.

When Kent Hughes traded-up at the 2024 Draft from the 26th overall pick to the 21st overall pick, few people thought the Montreal Canadiens would be using that pick. Most insider were discussing which other trade the general manager would be making to move further up.

Personally, I believed the target was Cole Eiserman and when the New York Islanders took to the stage and picked him with the 20th overall pick, I was rather disappointed as I believed the intended target had been so close. 

However, after seeing Michael Hage skate at Development Camp, I have to admit Hughes picked a good one. The speed, the stickhandling, the sharp shots, he's definitely the player who stood out for me in Brossard last week. 

The fact Ivan Demidov couldn't attend camp for lack of a visa might have helped Hage to get a bit more of the spotlight. That being said, I cannot wait to see how Demidov will do on this side of the pond and whether he'll get to play in the KHL this season rather than in the junior league he skated in last year. 

While the Canadiens have had a fully stacked cupboard of defense prospects for what seems like forever, the forwards shelves are now starting to slowly fill up. For a team that wants to play a fast and offensive minded game, that's excellent news.