David Eason Shows Off His New Galpal; Plus An Update on His Divorce From ‘Teen Mom’ Star Jenelle Evans (Exclusive Details!)


“The ladies are all over me! Like flies on a turd pile, I tell ya!”

David Eason got a break from court earlier this week, leaving the fired Teen Mom 2 dad more time to court his new boo!

As Teen Mom fans know, David and Jenelle Evans-— once the swampwater “Romeo and Juliet” of our generation— split up earlier this year, and now both are auditioning new prospects to become their next soulmates!

The Ashley can exclusively reveal that Jenelle and David were scheduled to come face-to-face in court on Monday to discuss a variety of topics related to their impending divorce. (Jenelle legally separated from David back in February but isn’t able to file for divorce until she’s lived apart from David for one year.)

Among the topics that were due to be discussed on Monday were custody of their daughter Ensley, child support, the distribution of assets (presumably who would get The Land and their boat—which, like David, doesn’t work— in the divorce); who would pay court costs; and the status of the psychological evaluation that Jenelle requested David undergo.

The court hearing was continued, however, at the judge’s request, and will be heard later this summer.

Jenelle has been seeing her manager-turned-apparent-heir-to-the-Soulmate-Throne, August Keen, for a few months now, even mentioning him several times on ‘Next Chapter’ and basically moving to Las Vegas to be close to him.

Recently, David also made it clear that he has moved on— by showing off his latest squeeze, a girl named Kenleigh Heatwole.

“Well ya know what they say– there’s a lid for every pot. Speakin’ of pot– Kenleigh, ya gotta be HIGH! HIGH! to want to date David!”

David— who had previously been shacking up on the couple’s broken-down boat— has posted several videos to social media showing himself inside Kenleigh’s house, even making himself at home in the kitchen frying up some roadkill cooking for two. In more-recent posts, however, Kenleigh and David have been shown together— jet-skiing, sluggin’ drinks at the bar and even singing for the TikTok.

Unlike David, Kenleigh appears to have a job (and seemingly does photography and graphic design stuff on the side.) She bought herself land in North Carolina in 2023 (isn’t it ironic…) and now lives on the land in a manufactured home (…don’t ya think?) She enjoys hunting, boating, and her Doberman (who has been seen in photos posted by David to social media recently.) 


At 25, Kenleigh is much younger than 36-year-old David. She lives relatively close to Wilmington, North Carolina, which is where David parks his Boaterhome. It does not appear that Kenleigh has any children.

Jenelle has yet to comment publicly on David’s new sugar mama girlfriend; however, plenty of people have pointed out that Kenleigh certainly bears a resemblance to Jenelle.

“Feelin’ jealous…might chase after David’s truck in green sweatpants later…”