Days of Our Lives Summary: What’s Happening the Week of March 10, 2025? Drama Unfolds in Salem!


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Theresa was released from prison, and she returned home. Brady accidentally mentioned Tate’s baby. Theresa sided with Amy Choi. After a heart-to-heart with Tate, Theresa agreed to support Tate and Sophia’s decision. Tate and Sophia’s friendship blossomed while Tate and Holly were on the outs. Paulina arranged to meet Amy for a drink, but before Paulina arrived at the bar, Amy ran into Theresa and Tate. Amy told Theresa she did not judge her past, but she did judge EJ. When Amy later talked to Paulina, Paulina promised to keep EJ out of the baby’s life.

Rachel Sr. terrorized Ava in her room above the pub. After Rachel slashed Ava’s hand with a knife, Kristen intervened and kept her mother at bay. When Brady arrived, he begged Ava not to call the cops on Rachel Blake. Ava told Brady that she was not sure they should continue to date, but Brady asked her to take some time to think. Kristen told EJ that she was concerned that Ava would go to the police about the attempted murder. Although Kristen and EJ advised Rachel to steer clear of Ava, Rachel was unconvinced. Rachel warned EJ that if he did not keep her out of prison, she would tell everyone that EJ had kept Rafe captive at the Blake house. Worried, EJ decided to use Rolf’s serum on Rachel to make her forget about Rafe, but he changed his mind before going through with it. Jada updated Rafe on everything that had happened with Arnold over the past three months. Rafe confronted EJ. EJ denied all accusations, and he threw Rafe and Jada out of his house. At home, Rafe asked Jada whether she had slept with Arnold. Jada told Rafe that Arnold had gotten nothing from her but a couple of kisses. Jada did not tell Rafe about her tryst with Shawn. Shawn did tell JJ about his one-night stand with Jada. JJ promised not to tell anyone.

Gabi accused Belle of being too biased to prosecute the case against EJ. In front of Paulina, Gabi announced that Belle was still sleeping with EJ. Belle admitted that she had renewed her relationship with EJ, but ended it when she learned of his involvement in Ava’s kidnapping. Paulina suggested that Belle recuse herself from the case, but Belle talked Paulina out of it. Furious, Gabi claimed that Paulina and Belle had conspired to protect EJ. Gabi told JJ that he was her only hope to get justice for her brother. Holly begged Melinda to return Julie’s necklace, but she refused. Holly pitched an idea to Doug to break into Melinda’s apartment and steal it back, but Doug said no. Doug argued that he did not want Holly to destroy her future. They agreed to brainstorm a legal plan to obtain the necklace. Leo couldn't afford to live at the hotel anymore, so Javi asked him to move in with him. Felicity told Chad that Cat had a crush on him. Cat said she no longer had feelings for Chad, but they flirted with one another as they planned the fundraiser. Chad admitted that he liked Cat.

Xander and Philip told Alex about the planned hostile takeover of DiMera. Alex was excited to help and told his cousins how pleased he was to see them getting along. Sarah and Philip worried about the truth coming out, but Sarah assured Philip that Stephanie would not want to upset Alex.

Stephanie told Joy that she knew about the pregnancy test. Joy was anxious to learn the results, and she asked Stephanie to talk to Alex for her. Alex was stunned by the possibility of fatherhood. Joy confirmed she was not pregnant. Unbeknownst to Stephanie or Alex, Joy had lied.

Johnny questioned EJ about his involvement with Arnold. EJ promised he had not worked with Arnold. EJ changed the subject to the adoption, and he suggested they redo the meeting. Johnny declined. EJ told Johnny that he regretted that his actions had led to Sami’s rape by Arnold. Johnny told EJ that it was not his place to forgive EJ.

Roman offered to go with Steve and Kayla to DC, but Steve decided a softer approach with Shane was needed. Steve asked Roman to help Kayla with the fundraiser while Steve was searching for John with Marlena. Roman agreed and volunteered to watch over Black Patch.

Marlena asked Belle if she was still involved with EJ. When Belle stressed that she was done with EJ, Marlena asked Belle if she was certain she was ready to move on. Belle said she had accepted that EJ was wrong for her. Marlena advised Belle to be honest with herself about EJ. When Belle attempted to spurn EJ’s advances, he successfully seduced her. After sex, EJ mentioned his case, and Belle threw him out of her house. Belle called Paulina and recused herself from the DiMera case.

Johnny told Chanel that he believed that EJ had regretted working with Arnold in the past. Johnny also confirmed that he was still suspicious that EJ was involved this time. Roman accidentally told Johnny that EJ was a rapist. When Roman refused to explain, Johnny pried the details out of Kate. Kate told Johnny the story of how EJ had forced Sami into sex, and Johnny had been the product of that act. Johnny punched EJ.