Dіd Mаtveі Mісһkov Leаk tһe Dаte of Flyers Arrіvаl?


An interview appears to have revealed that Matvei Michkov will be joining the Philadelphia Flyers within the month, and potentially earlier.

Did Matvei Michkov Leak the Date of Flyers Arrival?

A short 32-second clip of “BreadSport” interviewing Michkov surfaced online on Friday after first being uploaded on Wednesday, and after growing visibly agitated with the interviewer’s questions about his participation in the Russian Media Hockey League tournament, Michkov apparently revealed the date(s) on which he will be flying to North America to join the Flyers.

“I’m leaving now on the 20th. I’m flying away, as if God forbid everything works out here,” Michkov said, ending with a shrug.

For further context, the Media Hockey League is an uncompetitive summer competition that can be most accurately compared to something like Da Beauty League, a 4-on-4 hockey league that plays host to PWHL and NHL stars, with proceeds going to various charities.

“I don’t know whether (the Flyers) know of its existence or not,” Michkov told the interview of the Media Hockey League. “I just came with my friends to play hockey. After all, it’s a holiday.”

Even if the Flyers knew of the league’s existence, it’s unlikely any problems would come of it. Bobby Brink, Noah Cates, and Ryan Poehling are all playing in Da Beauty League so that precedent has already been established.

As far as our business here goes, it’s unclear when “the 20th” is, as Michkov himself stated. That could be July 20th, which is Saturday, or Aug. 20th, which is roughly one more month away.

In his virtual press conference last week, Flyers winger Garnet Hathaway half-jokingly claimed to have heard “rumblings” that Michkov would be meeting his new teammates face-to-face soon, so Saturday fits the description of soon much better than Aug. 20 does.

Patience is a virtue, though, and our only option is to wait and see what the next few hours, days, and weeks bring. Plus, it’s certainly possible the Microsoft information technology outages throw a wrinkle in Michkov’s travel plans should he be planning to fly out on Saturday.

Breathe, friends.