Days of our Lives recap for Wednesday, April 12, 2023.
In today’s Days recap, Rafe and Jada come clean about their feelings for each other and Xander kisses Chloe in front of Gwen.
In the last Days recap, Kayla was happily reunited with Steve, and Brady and Gwen became jealous when they found Chloe and Xander together.
Eric arrives at Sloan’s place and finds it a shambles and a gloved Jada weeding through Sloan’s things.
She tells Eric she has a warrant and is there because Paulina received a threatening text message “that I think Sloan knows about.” She didn’t find anything but noted that Eric has his own drawer now.
Eric doesn’t need a lecture on who he dates. Jada knows it’s not her business.
She just wants him to be happy. He wants that for her.
The cop tells Eric to get Sloan to cooperate and apologizes for the mess before she goes.
Salem Police Department
Talia drops by SPD to see Jada. Rafe tells her she’s not there so she smiles brightly and asks how his dinner with Jada went.
Abe pokes his head into the room and demands answers. Rafe explains it was a coincidence when he saw her and Talia at the pub.
He’s not sure what else he should have done. Leave?
Abe introduces himself to Talia and realizes she’s Chanel’s baker and that she helped his wife with the panic attack.
Talia hopes she’s less stressed but Abe reveals the situation with Sloan is getting to Paulina. Rafe questions him and he says the harassment won’t let up.
Abe apologizes for jumping on Rafe and suddenly says that he trusts him implicitly.
Once he’s gone, Talia assumes if it wasn’t for the work policy, Rafe would make his move.
He ignores the question but she knows they’re both attracted to each other.
Paulina and Abe’s apartment
Chanel drops by her mother’s place with scones for Abe. Paulina thinks she’s going to give him diabetes.
She asks her daughter to toss it until Chanel lets her know there’s a Bearclaw inside for her.
Paulina takes the box and shows her an article Lady Whistleblower wrote about Sloan being psycho.
Chanel thinks it’s time Sloan knows that if she hits them, they hit back.
Paulina brings up the anonymous text that says, “Your husband can’t save you.” Chanel’s livid.
Paulina admits she had a panic attack with Sloan last night.
The woman mocked her and left her midst attack. Chanel yells in anger but Paulia knows the blonde will get hers.
Chanel goes to get dinner and Abe arrives.
He told Rafe about the message and sent Jada to search Sloan’s place and tells his wife he thinks they should leave town until this is fixed.
Paris is beautiful this time of year, Abe says. She wants to wait a bit.
Salem Inn
Sloan goes to see Leo at Salem Inn. She pounds on his door and yells and when Leo opens the door, she shows him the article.
Leo thinks she’s proving his story to be true. She wants a retraction.
He refuses, she cites libel and he says it’s not libel if it’s true.
He whips out his recorder for a statement and she refuses.
He urges her to share her sob story and get people to feel sorry for her.
He asks her which magazines she used to cut out the letters for the note she made for Paulina.”Vogue, Vanity Fair. Elle?”
She expects a retraction by tomorrow or she’ll sue “those hideous pants” off of him.
She stomps off with him yelling that they’re not hideous. They’re couture. He looks at himself in the mirror once she’s gone.
Brady pub
At the pub, Gwen confronts Xander and Chloe for moving on with each other. Xander’s confused.
Gwen thinks he’s been cozying it up to Craig Wesley’s stuck-up daughter. Gwen says she treated Leo like dirt.
Chloe says, “Because that’s how you treat dirt. Like dirt.” Xander says they’re just having a drink.
Gwen asks about last night and Chloe says she was upset about Brady and he comforted her.
Gwen shows them the photo Leo took and asks what that was about. Chloe says she was happy that he killed the story about Rachel and hugged him.
Gwen doesn’t believe them so Xander says fine. He’s fallen in love with Chloe and doesn’t care who knows.
He grabs Chloe in a shocking kiss and Gwen calls him a pig and leaves while Chloe comes up for air and says Gwen’s right.
He is a pig. She slaps him. She doesn’t like being used. Xander winces. She has a point.
Chloe tells him she’ll run to Leo and write about it. “Brady will read it!” Xander’s sorry. He’d like it if they could be friends.
Chloe relents and admits she enjoyed hanging out with him.
They’re good. “As long as you keep your dirty paws away from me.” They grin at each other.
Horton square
In the square, Chanel and Sloan start arguing. Chanel accuses Sloan of sending that cryptic text to her mother and Sloan’s confused.
She didn’t send any text.
She calls Paulina names and Chanel hauls off and slaps her.
Sloan races after Chanel, chasing her around the flower stand.
Chanel grabs a bouquet and starts hitting Sloan with it as Sloan tries to smack Chanel.
Talia sees them and runs to them, getting between the women.
She urges Sloan to get lost so Sloan says she will but maybe she should file a restraining order against her, too. “Not just your mother.”
Since Chanel is bleeding from a scratch, Talia takes her to the bakery for a first aid kit.
Sweet Bits
In the bakery, Talia takes care of the cut on Chanel’s arm as Chanel thanks her for this and for coming along when she was feeling overwhelmed at losing not just her girlfriend but her business partner.
Talia rubs Chanel’s shoulder and the two share a glance.
She invites Talia to dinner at her mom’s. They joke about her bill that’s coming for the healthcare.
The clock reads 5:15 pm when they go.
Salem Police Department
Back at SPD, Jada tells Rafe she didn’t find any burner phone at Sloan’s when she searched.
“She has crap taste in music and more handcuffs than we do.” She ran into Eric there and calls Sloan a dominatrix who listens to Coldplay.
Jada realized she’s over Eric.
Rafe fills her in on Talia’s appearance and that Abe now knows they had dinner last night.
Jada’s angry and says she’s never encouraged anything. Rafe admits he is attracted to Jada.
He’d ask her out if he wasn’t her boss. She admits she’d say yes if he did.
They think opening up about it makes them more in control.
Salem Inn
Back at Salem Inn, Gwen finds Leo and bitches to him about what happened with Xander and Chloe.
“He kissed her. Right in front of me.” Leo smiles. “Yes. Don’t you see this means we’re winning?”
He’s using her so Gwen will come back to him. Gwen doubts it and wonders if he has real feelings for her.
Sloan’s place
Sloan returns home to Eric and is upset that her place is a shambles. Eric lets her know about the warrant and that she should bring her phone to SPD.
She hands it to him to peruse but he believes her. He pulls out baby’s breath from her hair and she goes up to shower.
She wants to make dinner after, preferring that to going out. She’s had enough of Salemites. Once she’s out of sight, Eric looks at her phone.
Sweet Bits
At 8:15, a hooded figure enters Sweet Bits and takes out a vial of liquid and drops it all over some dough.