Emotional Olivia Bowen Shares Baby’s Gender – Tears Flow During Heartfelt Moment on Loose Women!


Olivia Bowen and her husband Alex appeared on ITV show Loose Women on Tuesday with a lovely update after sadly announcing they'd lost one of the twins they were expecting.

Pregnant Love Island star Olivia Bowen broke down in tears on ITV's Loose Women on Tueday as she spoke about her baby heartache before announcing she's expecting a little girl. The news comes just days after Olivia had reaveled that she and her co-star husband Alex had lost one of their twins due later this year.

The couple met on the hit TV dating series series in 2016 and went on to marry and they now have a two-year-old son called Abel. Last month they excitedly posted a sweet video sharing the news that they were expecting twins. But just days ago Olivia made the heartbreaking revelation that she had lost one of the babies.

She said while having "one safe, healthy baby" filled her with "happiness and joy", she felt "excruciating pain and trauma" over the loss of the twin.

Appearing on Loose Women alongside her husband, Olivia was comforted by host Christine Lampard after breaking down in tears as she spoke about the loss but the couple went on to share a video of themselves and Abel announcing that the other baby is a little girl.

Olivia Bowen breaks down on ITV's Loose Women speaking about the baby she lost
Olivia Bowen breaks down on ITV's Loose Women speaking about the baby she lost 

Christine introduced the clip before applause rang out around the studio to congratulate the couple. Before they made news of the gender public they spoke about the early discovery that they were expecting twins when they went for a scan at just six weeks.

"I'm quite an anxious person anyway so I was like I'm going for a scan and you were all for it," said Olivia, who has twins in her family. "I went into the room and as soon as I sat down I could see two babies and not just one and we were floored by that."

She continued: "As soon as we found out it was twins I was already quite nervous because we've not had a great history of twins in our family but you were so positive weren't you?" she said looking at Alex, who then spoke about how excited he had been at the prospect of being a dad to twins.

Olivia and Alex are expecting a baby girl
Olivia and Alex are expecting a baby girl 

For two weeks the couple made plans for becoming a family of five as they looked at baby car seats and bedroom plans.

The pair are keen to raise the profile of miscarriage in the hope that others in a similar situation won't be afraid to speak about their loss and grieve alone.

"It's becoming easier by speaking about it with other women and that's what we wanted to do and especially Alex being a dad as I haven't seen many men talking about it - we just want to change that perception of not being able to talk about miscarriage openly."

"We went back at eight weeks and something happened called vanishing syndrome," said Olivia as she broke down in tears adding that one of the babies didn't have a heartbeat.

"I'd had no symptoms, I'd had no pain, no bleeding, absolutely nothing to tell me that that was what we were walking into and I guess from that moment we were completely floored. We were expecting to have these two little babies. Vanishing twin syndrome - it can as it just says literally vanish. The one beautiful part of it that I try to hold on to is that they do absorb into your body, those cells become a part of you and that's what I've sort of been holding on to."

Olivia and Alex with son Abel

Olivia went on to say the scan was a "bittersweet rollercoaster of emotions" as they were also told the other baby was healthy and she said they're "so excited" to meet their baby girl.