Gabriela focusing on getting better and rebuilding her life after almost dying in Fire Country season 3, episode 8, when she left in the middle of a call, forcing Manny to leave Three Rock to find her, meant she immediately realized how Bode losing his first patient could crush him. Gabriela proved how well she could read Bode, along with making the right call to tell Luke about Bode’s nightmares, in Fire Country season 3, episode 13, and her intuition helped Luke support Bode exactly when he needed it. This can finally turn Bode and Gabriela’s relationship into something new.
Gabriela & Bode Are Developing A Real Friendship
Bode & Gabriela Were Never Friends Throughout Their Relationship
Although Gabriela and Bode lied to themselves when they first met because they didn’t want to betray Jake, they were always drawn to one another. Their bond also clearly didn’t let them think straight, as Gabriela dove off a bridge to save Bode and Bode left a patient alone not to lose Gabriela in Fire Country season 1, episode 9. Even when Gabriela and Jake weren’t together anymore and she and Bode could explore their romantic feelings for one another, their relationship was packed with grand gestures and unilateral decisions, flaming out before they could experience it outside Three Rock.
Bode and Gabriela’s history was riddled with missed occasions and meeting again at the wrong time, but facing their relationship’s end head-on in Fire Country season 3 finally brought them to a point they can truly get to know one another. Abandoning any hope of a romantic relationship – Bode because of his feelings for Audrey and Gabriela because it wasn’t what she wanted – can lead to them being there for each other as friends, something they never could be in Fire Country seasons 1 and 2, with Gabriela’s intuition in season 3, episode 13 proving why that’s important.
Bode Needs A Friend In His Struggles As A Firefighter
Losing Rafael & His Old Coach's Behavior Can Send Bode Over The Edge
Fire Country season 3, episode 13 proved [Gabriela] could recognize his signs of distress better than others and direct Bode to the help he needed.
While Bode did everything right in Fire Country season 3, episode 13, counteracting his old coach’s attempts at riling him up with steadfast openness, finding himself with the pain meds his past coach handed him hinted at the even bigger challenges ahead for Bode. By putting a spotlight on Bode and Jake’s friendship, Fire Country season 3 established Bode’s stable support system, but Gabriela being part of it could help Bode even more, as season 3, episode 13 proved she could recognize his signs of distress better than others and direct Bode to the help he needed without him asking.
How Gabriela & Bode's Friendship Can Introduce Their Romance In The Future
Getting To Know One Another Can Push Bode & Gabriela Back Together
Gabriela stopped her own wedding in Fire Country season 3’s premiere because her kiss with Bode at the Lazarus fire made her feel more than the prospect of a life with Diego, highlighting how her bond with Bode can still offer a lot in terms of its exploration.
Gabriela’s opposition to a romantic relationship with Bode in Fire Country season 3 had everything to do with her not being ready, making it likely she could be in the future. Gabriela looking out for Bode as a fellow firefighter can finally let the two create a stable bond as friends, which in turn can help build a stable romantic relationship were the two to find themselves single together and still have the same feelings they felt for one another in Fire Country season 1.
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