On tonight’s Fire Country season 3 episode 14 called, “Death Trap,”as per the CBS synopsis, “Station 42 responds to a fire in the dugout before the annual county clash baseball rivalry game. Meanwhile, Vince’s ex-girlfriend (Constance Zimmer) returns.”
So make sure to stop by tonight between 9 PM and 10 PM ET for our Fire Country recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television news, videos, recaps, spoilers, and more, here!
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Three Rock lost one of their own. They were firefighters. They figured they only had to fear fire. Yet, Birch didn’t die in a fire or any other part of the job. He died from the flu. He was sick for a while before he sought medical help. He hadn’t wanted to get sent to the infirmary. The infirmary was in prison and Birch was worried that if he went there that he wouldn’t be able to leave. Birch was also worried that people would think he’d was faking his condition to get drugs. He was an addict. He’s been working the program with his fellow firefighters at Three Rock. And his death was felt by everyone that was there that night.
Eve took Birch’s death the hardest. She blamed herself for what happened. She didn’t get Birch the medication for his flu right away because he was an addict and so she made him do a urine test first. She was now thinking she prevented him from getting help sooner. Eve spoke with the coroner. She also spoke with the doctor on call that night. One was saying he died of a heart murmur. The other was saying he died from the flu. Eve wasn’t sure who she should believe. She was talking about it with Bode and Bode said an autopsy would clarify things.
The only ones that can request an autopsy was Birch’s family. He has a sister. She was coming up to collect the body and Bode gave Eve the push she needed to speak to the sister about an autopsy. Bode was a great friend. He just doesn’t tell others when he’s struggling. He had the perfect opportunity to talk to Eve about the pills he was given. Or about his fighting his addiction just so he wouldn’t take the pills, but he didn’t tell her nor did he tell anyone else. He chose to handle his problems the Leone way.
Meaning he buried them. He acted like he wasn’t going through anything. He buried his feelings and fears where no one could see them. He chose to instead focus on his relationship with Audrey. She was back in town. She got all of her stuff from her ex in North Carolina. She was in a good place and so Bode asked her out on their first official date. He loves this local band called Sunset Holler. They were playing at a bar right outside of town. Bode asked Audrey to come with them and she asked him why.
Bode told her that he wanted to get to know her better. He mentioned that he didn’t even know her middle name and that he wanted to find out. He didn’t know it only there was a reason Audrey never told anyone her middle name. It was Peaches. She was so embarrassed by it. She told Bode and he was laughing so she welcomed the call that came in. The firefighters were called to do a wellness check. Finn grew up in the neighborhood. He’s known Estelle since he was a kid. She was once considered the Queen of the Neighborhood. Things changed when her husband walked out one day.
After her husband left, Estelle stopped leaving her house. She became a shut-in. She also became a hoarder. Estelle knew how to navigate her mess to get her new packages from the stoop and Finn called 911 when he noticed the packages were staking up. He tried calling. He tried looking through the windows. He even tried breaking in. He injured his leg for his troubles and he still wasn’t sure if Estelle was still alive. The firefighters had to enter the home. They had to be creative about it because there was just so much junk packed everywhere.
Bode eventually found Estelle with Audrey’s help. She was passed out. They were able to revive her and she panicked when she saw strangers in her home. She accidentally caused a fire. She left the iron and it fell onto a stack of papers when she knocked the iron over. The fire didn’t help the firefighters navigate the maze that was Estelle’s home. Also, Estelle didn’t want to leave. She became a hoarder because she was protecting her things from getting ruined. It was the one aspect she could control after her husband left. And now she doesn’t know how to live without it.
Bode and Audrey saved Estelle’s life. Not that she was grateful or anything. She got mad at Bode for destroying her stuff. She said it was his fault that the fire got started and she only calmed down when Finn went with her to the hospital. Bode was having a terrible day. Audrey tried to make him feel better by agreeing to go on that date. Only this was Bode. Bode has the worst luck. He along with everyone else was notified for a Silver Alert. There was a missing person with dementia. It was Bode’s grandfather, Walter.
Walter’s children hired a caregiver for him. The nurse came in to check on him three times a week, but Walter was hiding the fact that he wasn’t taking his medications. His nurse ended up finding a stockpile. Javi tried to tell Vince about it. He told him that Walter was deteriorating faster than he let on. He advised that Walter gets put in a nursing home where he could receive around the clock care. Vince was considering it when Walter stole Sharon’s car. Its why she put out the alert. She was worried someone might get harmed on the road.
Walter drove the car into a ditch. He thankfully wasn’t harmed. He also went back to Vince’s place. Walter thought he drove back to the house. He doesn’t remember stealing the car or crashing it into a ditch. He got mad when they tried to tell him what he did. He was yelling when Vince lied to calm him. Vince took credit for crashing the car. He apologized to his dad who forgave him. Vince and Sharon also got an alarm system. They’ll now know if Walter tries to leave the house. It was a short-term solution because Walter was going to need round the clock care eventually.
Bode went on that date with Audrey. He had talked to Gabriela earlier. She admitted she still loves him and that she played a part in their breakup only she needed the closure before she could move on. Gabriela knows he’s with Audrey now. She wasn’t trying to bust it up. She just needed to be honest with herself and others. There was also Finn. Finn was interested. Gabriela might be interested back. She needed to talk to Bode before she could try moving on again. And Bode was moving on too.
Bode told Audrey about the pills. He hasn’t taken any of them. He wanted to take them and now he wants to get rid of them. Meanwhile Eve was left with a mystery. She talked Birch’s sister into an autopsy. Then someone talked Wendy out of it. Birch was cremated before there could be an autopsy and whatever he died of was now affecting another firefighter – Manny.