John Oliver Admits Which ‘Real Housewives’ Franchise He Watches to Decompress


How do you decompress?

That was the question John Oliver was asked during an appearance on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” on February 18, and he revealed that there is one Bravo show that he is a fan of.

John Oliver tells NPR about returning after 5 months off the air : NPR

“I watch Liverpool, a football team that I support, and I also watch the ‘Real Housewives of Salt Lake City’ Oliver said.

That answer earned a very loud cheer from the crowd.

“Spectacular show. Absolutely spectacular. It’s fantastic,” Oliver added.

It was certainly an answer that Colbert was not expecting, and he said that they didn’t have enough time to even get into all that on the show. They would have to wait for the next time Oliver came on.

“I will explain to you next time I’m here, I will give you the entire backstory of these maniac women, why they are so funny, and why a significant portion of them are going to prison,” Oliver said. “It’s fantastic television. In fact, I’m really here, not just to promote HBO, but, the ‘Real Housewives of Salt Lake City’ is on Bravo.”

The RHOSLC Cast Had Some Wild Moments in Season 5

ngie Katsanevas, Mary Cosby, Lisa Barlow, Heather Gay, Meredith Marks, Bronwyn Newport, Whitney RoseBravo
Angie Katsanevas, Mary Cosby, Lisa Barlow, Heather Gay, Meredith Marks, Bronwyn Newport, and Whitney Rose.

Season 5 was one to remember for the “Real Housewives of Salt Lake City,” with many memorable moments. So, in honor of Oliver praising these “maniac” women, let’s go over some of the biggest events from the season.

Britani Bateman Gets Caught Recording The Women in Puerto Vallarta

As all the women sat in the sprinter fan during their trip in Puerto Vallarta, Angie Katsanevas called out Britani Bateman for filming the women during episode 15.

“Britani, why are you recording the conversation?” Angie asked. “Turn the (expletive) phone off. With people arguing in the back.”

Bateman claimed she was taking a video of herself to send to her daughter, but the other women weren’t buying it. The result was that the women were all screaming at Britani.

Mary Cosby Arrives Late to Meredith Marks’ Bat Mitzvah

Meredith Marks decided to become a Bat Mitzvah this season, inviting all the women to the service in episode 12. However, because Mary Cosby and Marks’ relationship was rocky, Cosby arrived late to the service. She couldn’t find her way into the room, and was attempting to peek in all the windows to see where she should go. While she couldn’t see in, all those in attendance could see Cosby walking around outside.

Reading The Texts

Heather Gay attempted to clear the air with all the women by asking them to take part in a risky game. During the season 5 finale, she had all the women read the worst thing that had been written about someone else in the group.

While some of the women took it more seriously, others reacted poorly. And the biggest reaction out of all was Lisa Barlow who stormed off while yelling, “get this (expletive) mic off me” 

Mary Cosby Shares Heartwarming Moment With Andy Cohen During RHOSLC Reunion

“The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City” season 5 reunion was full of drama, but there was also one moment that had everyone in tears.

During the third and final part, Cohen took a moment to express how Mary Cosby showed her “heart” this past year.

“You showed us what an incredible mother you are. You showed us how open you are and understanding, and compassionate,” Cosby added. “And meeting someone where they are and guiding them towards light.”

This season, Cosby helped her son through his ongoing struggle with addiction, showing him love and support at every moment. Her relationship with her son has always been a part of this show, but as Cohen said, this season, you could truly see what an “incredible mother” Cosby is.

And after Cohen’s remarks, it was Cosby’s turn to say something about the Bravo host.

“I think that you are a star,” she told him. “I think that you are intelligent. You’re smart. You’re incredible. You’re a beautiful father. You’re inspirational. And you — I love how you support me. And I feel your support. When it was like the whole world was against me, you called me and reached out to me. You have something that no one ever has. I’ve never met anyone like Andy Cohen.”