Lauralee Bell Makes a Stunning Return to Y&R… and B&B, Too!


It’s been a while since viewers have seen Lauralee Bell on The Young & The Restless, but she’s going to be bringing Christine back to the canvas very soon… although she’s first making a side trip over to The Bold & The Beautiful!

Deadline is reporting that Bell will be back on set at Y&R at the end of April to shoot episodes scheduled to air beginning in early June. But before that happens, the actress made a third crossover visit to sister soap B&B for a special fashion show that will air from Thursday, April 24, through Monday, April 28.

“You never know when Brad Bell calls, if I’m going to be asked a [sibling] question or if I can come to B&B for a couple of days,” Bell joked of her brother’s soap. “He established this collaboration. Years ago I represented Ridge on a court case, and then several months ago, Danny and Christine stopped in during the summer because we’re on tour and he’s the rock star. And then they used Danny’s music for a Brooke’s bedroom lingerie line. So the tie-in continues!”

Christine joined Danny in visiting the Forresters and enjoying an impromptu musical performance from her beau.Howard Wise/

Bell debuted on Y&R back in 1983 and viewers watched young Cricket grow up into Christine over the decades. She first crossed over to B&B back in 2007 for a brief stint as the attorney defended Ridge Forrester against murder charges. In August 2024, Bell returned for another visit, this time with Michael Damian’s Danny Romalotti along for the ride. The pair were back on screen at Y&R in time to ring in the new year.

So fans can look forward to seeing Christine attending another big Forrester fashion show in April before she and Danny wind their way back to Genoa City in June. And keep checking back here at for more updates as those dates near!