Mariah Huq Spills Married to Medicine Secrets – Claims Dr. Jackie Is the ‘Real Villain’ & Opens Up About Being ‘Pushed Out’ and Betrayed!


Married to Medicine is in its 10th season on Bravo, and it’s still a fan favorite for many viewers. Of course, it has gone through several changes since it debuted. One of the biggest changes is that Mariah Huq left the show in 2020. 

People who started watching the show in its later years may be unaware that Mariah actually created the show. In fact, she still has both an executive producer and creator credit on the show. 

She recently sat down with reality television producer Carlos King and opened up about her time on the show as well as what she thinks about it in its later years. 

The interview starts with them catching up and discussing what Mariah has been up to since being pushed out of the show. Essentially, she has opened a media and event space in Georgia called Sleek Co-Work. 

The two then move swiftly into discussing the creation of the show. Carlos points out that this is a concept that Mariah came up with on her own without any influence from a Network. 

She says, via Reality Tea, “The one thing I did not do is name it Married to Medicine. Okay, so I had multiple casts, and I was already picked up on another Network. I was picked up on TLC, and I chose to go with Bravo. I chose to go with Bravo because I felt like it was more succinct with the base of who we were selling to.”

She also said that she had multiple titles for the show picked out, and she was leaning towards Doctor’s Wives Club. She also admitted that there was a bidding war between networks, and she almost sold two different versions to two separate networks. However, TLC didn’t want the show unless she would be on it. 

Mariah also revealed that she still gets paid for the show. 

Carlos then asks if Mariah feels she was pushed off the show. She says, “Yeah. I think so. I didn’t realize in the beginning that the goal the entire time was to push me out from a talent perspective.” 

She continued, “In front of the camera and behind the camera. So, yeah, I did feel as if I was pushed out, but you know what, in hindsight, I feel like maybe it was best.”

However, she does not believe her leaving was good for the show. 

“I don’t think it was best for the show. I think it wasn’t a good decision for the show. And that’s how I know it was bullsh*t and a game because it wasn’t for the show. There’s no way they can come up with any reason why I should be out of the show.”

She also feels as though the ladies stabbed her in the back. 

According to Mariah, “I just don’t like the way in which it was done. And I did feel as if I was stabbed in my back, my heart, my jugular, and my eye with all of those ladies. I did.” Mariah also feels that what has happened to Quad is much less severe than how she was pushed out. 

Mariah then shared that all of the cast members earned the same salary when she was there. However, this changed after she left and some ladies are paid more than others.

At the end of the interview, which is only part one, Mariah says that Dr. Jackie is the real villain of Married to Medicine