Married to Medicine: The Pot Calls the Kettle – Who’s Stirring the Drama Now?


This week on Married to Medicine, it’s back to business as usual in Atlanta. Dr. Simone and Dr. Jackie are back in their offices, Dr. Contessa and Dr. Scott are spending quality time with their kids, and Toya is checking in with Dr. Eugene to take a pulse on how they’re feeling post-Key West madness. Toya firmly believes that, at the very least, someone should have reached out to check on them.  

Meanwhile, over at Dr. Heavenly’s house, Quad stops by for a check-in. Heavenly wastes no time pouring drinks and asking the real questions—Is Quad traumatized by the trip? Quad makes it clear that moving forward, she won’t be putting her man in a compromising position. And just like that, the group remains divided—some couples siding with Dr. G and Tea, while others stand with Quad and King.  

But despite the lingering tension, Toya once again finds herself playing peacemaker, this time by bringing the group together for a celebration—her and Eugene’s 16th wedding anniversary. Eugene, however, is quick to remind everyone just how eclectic Toya’s party themes have been in the past. This year, she’s going for a Victorian theme, and to kick things off, she invites the group to a dance class to break the news.  

Still, there’s one major dilemma: Who makes the guest list? Does she invite Dr. G and Sweet Tea, knowing it could alienate Quad? Or does she invite Quad and King, risking tension with Dr. G and Tea? Eugene sums it up best: “You’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.”

Quad and Heavenly sit down to discuss the group’s ongoing tensions, with Quad suggesting a “Girlfriends Check-In” to rebuild friendships. But Heavenly isn’t on board—she has no interest in making peace with Sweet Tea or Contessa. Phaedra is already iced out, and Tea won’t be getting an invite either.  

At the dance class, Dr. G and Sweet Tea, along with Quad and King, are noticeably absent. Toya is frustrated that the couples refuse to mix, but let’s be real—did she really think they’d all be kumbaya? She announces her upcoming Bridgerton-inspired (Georgerton) anniversary party and hands out invitations, prompting a little shade from the ladies, who joke that she must’ve used AI to make them look that good.  

Then, Contessa drops a bomb: Dr. G might file a restraining order. The group is stunned. Gregory claims attempted assault, (simple battery) but Simone shuts it down as a “bitch move,” and even Steve calls it out, saying, “This is not what you do.” Dr. Damon, usually neutral, also doesn’t see things Gregory’s way.  

Dr. Heavenly stirs the pot, asking, “If a man said that to your wife, what would you do?” Eugene doesn’t hesitate—he’d have a problem with it. Contessa, in a moment of clarity, catches the irony: “If you say something about somebody’s husband, that’s not going to fly with most women. Is that what I just heard her say?” The hypocrisy is real.  

Meanwhile, Eugene and Scott take the lead in trying to settle things between Dr. G and King. Whether it works? We’ll have to wait and see.

Married to Medicine Season 11, Episode 13: The Pot And The Kettle
MARRIED TO MEDICINE — Season:11 — Pictured: Toya Bush-Harris — (Photo by: Phylicia J. L. Munn/Bravo)

Meanwhile, Toya meets Sweet Tea and Dr. Mimi for lunch to check in after the trip. She extends an invite to her Georgerton-themed party but wastes no time getting to the real issue: the police report. Tea keeps things vague, making the conversation noticeably tense. Toya and Mimi encourage her to extend grace, but it’s clear the Luncefords are taking the situation personally.  

Beyond the tension between Dr. G and King, the ladies also bring up Tea’s own behavior at the sandbar, reminding her that several of them had to hold her back. Toya tries to extend an olive branch, suggesting Tea sit down with Quad to discuss boundaries. But Tea stays firm—she’ll have to see how Gregory feels. (It’s obvious she’s caught in a tough spot—wanting to be open with the group while also protecting her marriage). Dr. G’s explosive reaction last week was less about concern and more about control. In her confessional, Toya acknowledges it too: Tea rarely speaks for herself, instead letting Gregory do the talking.  

Later, Scott, Eugene, and Gregory link up in the man cave to unpack the drama. Eugene brings up the big question—did Gregory really call the police? Dr. G justifies it, saying he avoids physical fights and prefers the legal route. But as Toya pointed out earlier, this feels more like an ego play than actual concern. The so-called police report seems less about safety and more about sending a message—one aimed directly at Quad.

Dr. G’s version of events is something to behold—he insists he was trying to be nice to King, but thankfully, the producer playbacks say otherwise. Eugene, ever the peacemaker, attempts to find common ground, but Dr. G refuses to budge. When asked what resolution he’s looking for, he responds with… a song. “Baby Child.” And let’s just say, the high-pitched delivery does it no favors.  

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Pausing for a second—imagine recording your husband singing a song about his ex-wife and standing in solidarity with him? That’s a level of delusion that’s hard to process.  

Eugene, barely holding back laughter, sums it up in his confessional: “I don’t ever want you to hurt my feelings to the point where I have to write a song and show it to people.” And honestly? He’s not wrong. That track should’ve stayed in the drafts. The wildest part? Dr. G genuinely believes he’s standing for justice.

Over at the Girlfriends Check-In, the ladies start arriving, and Quad lays down the ground rules: cocktails are a must, and no one can bring up the past. Given her love for a good monologue, this is a pretty bold move on her part, but it works to bring some much-needed lightness to the gathering.

It’s refreshing, honestly, to see the group come together in this space. There’s a sense of solidarity as the ladies rally around Quad—while she’s wary of putting herself or King in a difficult situation, the group is insistent that she should be there. Contessa, ever the mediator, even takes a moment to advocate for Sweet Tea and Dr. G, suggesting that maybe the whole situation is being blown out of proportion. It’s an interesting point, especially considering how the Married to Medicine ladies are notorious for icing people out when tensions run high. Toya, for her part, has clearly drawn her line in the sand and is picking sides.

But what’s really intriguing is how this all plays out on social media. Dr. G and Sweet Tea have been vocal, with Tea even going as far as to say that Toya used her as a pawn in all of this. The drama has spilled far beyond the group, and now it’s heating up online.

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At Phaedra’s home, she’s preparing to host Dr. Jackie and Curtis for a heart-to-heart. Jackie kicks things off by claiming she doesn’t want to hurt anyone—cue the eye roll because, let’s be real, that’s a lie. Phaedra, however, takes a step back and clarifies that while her emotions weren’t aimed at Jackie directly, she did feel some type of way about Heavenly. 

Quick pause: last week’s episode was so wild that it was all over the blogs—even Real Housewives star, Giselle Bryant, discussed it on her Reasonably Shady podcast, with Giselle admitting that the drama felt overly produced. If you know Housewives lore, you know how significant that is.

What I found frustrating was how much Jackie seemed more concerned with Phaedra taking accountability, even though Phaedra walked into the lion’s den in Key West. Despite that, Jackie extends an invite to Toya’s event, but it doesn’t seem to change her reluctance to fully engage with the group. And honestly? I don’t blame her for making her exit.

Married to Medicine Season 11, Episode 13: The Pot And The Kettle
MARRIED TO MEDICINE — Season:11 — Pictured: Phaedra Parks — (Photo by: Phylicia J. L. Munn/Bravo)

Looking ahead, next week promises some intense moments—there’s a sit-down between Heavenly and Contessa, plus Quad and King are diving into their future. Contessa is also hosting an event, and we’ll get to see Quad and Tea in the same room again, with Curtis, Scott, and Steve sitting down with Gregory to talk things out. Buckle up!

Watch Married to Medicine on Sundays on Bravo, and catch up with our reviews each week here.