Mаtt Remрe To Tһe Mіnors? How Preрosterous Cаn You Get?


The case against Matt Rempe being sent down to the minors.


Matt Rempe to the minors?


The New York Post headline stunned me to the very core; all 5 feet,-7 inches of The Maven.

On the one hand, Larry Brooks writes that, yes, Rempe deserves to be in the opening game lineup – Wednesday vs. Pitt – but on the other he figures that "Stretch" might have more value down the stretch with an AHL stretch.

Make up, my mind, will you? Or do we have a Reality vs. Theory on our hands?

Reality says there's absolutely-positively – even plaintively – no reason for Rempe to be anywhere but in the starting lineup for the pure and simple reason that he's earned it.

And that's despite Peter Laviolette's bum job of coaching Rempe who he turned into a now-you-see-him-now-you-don't yo-yo.

What's more, in Guiness Book Of Records' amazing time, The Skating Giraffe has become easily the most popular of Rangers.

Considering that New York, fans pay topper-than-top dollar to be entertained, it would be fair to assume that the most entertaining – and cheaply-paid – center be given varsity status – full-time.

Which brings me to my other gripe against Lose The Cup Lavvy; his mis-use of The Remper.

The Maven doesn't know whether it's a case of coaching thick-headedness or what; but Matt's potential never will be achieved by the glorious coach giving him five minutes of ice time.

Or as onetime Rangers craftsman Bronco Horvath sagely remarked; "You can't score sitting on the bench."

Not only does Rempe "deserve to be in the lineup," as Brooks noted, but he deserves full-time status, not starting in Hartford.

That would be roughly equivalent to Taylor Swift opening her new act in West Shokan, just south of Boiceville, New York!