Porsha Threatens Dennis in Hot Mic Moment, Slams Drew as “Lowdown Dirty,” & Accuses Simon of Having Women in the House, Plus Shamea Feuds With Angela, & Opens Up About Ectopic Pregnancy as Kelli Dishes on Divorce


On this episode of The Real Housewives of AtlantaPorsha breaks the fourth wall twice, and both times have to do with her ex, Dennis and Drew.

RHOA Recap: Porsha Threatens Dennis in Hot Mic as She Confronts Him Over Drew, Slams Drew as “Lowdown Dirty,” & Accuses Simon of Having Women in the House, Plus Shamea Feuds With Angela, Opens Up About Ectopic Pregnancy and Kelli Dishes on Divorce

According to AngelaShamea is doing Porsha’s dirty work, asking Drew outright if she is dating Dennis.  But it’s not all about Porsha’s issues.  Shamea opens up about her surrogacy journey and Kelli shares how she lost $500,000 all thanks to her now ex who become physical with her. 

Shamea’s Sterling Hall birthday party has become awkward.  Shamea claims that Drew is “booed up and matching” with Dennis at the club, which begs the question, of all the producers and MEN in Atlanta, why Dennis?!

Porsha, clearly annoyed with Drew, thought that Drew looked “washed” and stressed in her birthday post.  Porsha blames Drew’s appearance on the stress of her divorce and goes on to say that she did not know Drew was working with Dennis.  Porsha claims she doesn’t care about that as Shamea flashes photographic proof of Dennis and Drew getting close.

Drew plays innocent, explaining that Dennis reached out to her management and did a professional pitch about working with her. Drew refers to Dennis as her “angel on Earth” and like “a brother to her.” She thought that Dennis got Porsha’s blessing about them working together.

Porsha takes her anger towards Drew and lets loose. She refers to Drew as a “lowdown dirty individual” and tells her, “you know what I’m talking about”. Porsha yells for a producer, asking if she can break the fourth wall.  Porsha calls Drew out for asking Dennis to film with her and for trying to set up a photoshoot with Go Naked without Porsha’s permission.

Porsha does NOT want her baby daddy filming with Drew because they have worked so hard to get to a good co-parenting space.  The yelling ensues and Porsha calls Drew a “slimy b*tch.” Drew’s history with lying is not playing in her favor, but Drew seems genuinely confused what exactly Porsha is angry with her about.

Shamea brings the focus back on her, and all of her real friends jump in the pool, fully clothed.  There are foam machines and there is dancing, ending the party on a somewhat good note.

Angela gets some time on this episode and we learn that she is self-made millionaire, renovating five properties that she bought on her own. You thought Charles Oakley was only a NBA player, but he’s a great dad and chef, as well. He also does not care about the drama between Porsha and Drew, pointing out that Angela did some work with an ex-boyfriend in the past.

Despite Kenya and Porsha’s love-hate relationship, they head to dinner (in their respective Rolls Royce’s) and enjoy their new-found respect for one another.  Porsha explains that Dennis DID do a kids’ album (who knew?) and shares that she is most angry that Drew wants to film with him on the show.

When it comes to Simon, Porsha talks about being his FIFTH wife when the judgement got released to the press. Porsha cannot believe that Simon has already brought random women in their home and she realizes what a fraud he truly is.

Kelli checks out a new restaurant that she is trying to open ASAP.  Because Kelli’s ex has not paid any child support (unless court ordered), she realizes the importance of starting to franchise Nana’s Chicken and Waffles.  When she found out she had to close one of her locations thanks to her ex, it put so much stress on her financially.

Brit and her husband, Michael, are discussing a move to her dream home.  She wants to get pregnant and have her mom move in, but the mixed messages her husband is giving off makes you wonder if he’s down to appease his wife.

Shamea checks in on Shiloh’s surrogate. She met the surrogate through Kandi and at about 32 weeks into her pregnancy with Shiloh, the surrogate was diagnosed with breast cancer.  Shamea feels guilt about this, and the surrogate does as well, since Shiloh was born so early due to the circumstances.

Shamea has gone through 7 rounds of IVF and had an ectopic pregnancy.  She discusses how much black women suffer through maternal mortality and is excited to learn that there may be a match out there to expand her family.

Brit talks to Kelli about a wedding ceremony that she never got to have because they got married during the pandemic. They discuss how Porsha was going in on Drew and Brit shares her annoyance with Kenya asking about her wedding band. Brit suggests that Kenya worry more about herself and her divorce.

Speaking of divorce, Kelli talks about her cheating husband who took almost $500,000 dollars out of the company’s account. Kelli talks about how it got physical at one point and how she had to sleep in her closet. 

Later, Drew hosts a private gym session with Angela and Shamea.  Angela doesn’t mince words and wonders why Drew would choose to work with Dennis, but Drew claims Dennis came to the table with an offer.  Angela tries to real-talk Drew, but Drew explains how the studio has been her saving grace as she navigates through her divorce with Ralph.  Her music career is helping her keep her going financially since Ralph is taking lots of her money.

Shamea joins the ladies and after the work out, Drew tells the women Dennis actually advocated for Drew and Ralph to get back together. Angela asks Shamea why she would ask THAT question for Porsha, but Shamea feels like Angela is coming in hot. Drew refers to Shamea as Porsha’s lap dog.

When Dennis and Porsha get together at a playdate with their daughter, it spirals quickly.  Dennis tries to explain that working with Drew is professional and Porsha tells him her issues about him filming with Drew, as this is *her* territory. “Imagine him and I getting into it or something, and we’re not speaking. And now he gets offered these cameras to come and use my own platform again me.”  She wants loyalty from him and refuses to cry in front of him.

20 minutes later, Porsha gets caught on a hot mic. “When you show up anywhere on these cameras with anyone else, it’s gonna be a problem.  Another damn housewife looks absolutely insane.” Seems like she is just worried what Dennis may say on camera when Porsha is not around. Porsha warns Dennis that “not every promotion is a good promotion” and realizes that she “can’t count on nobody but me.”

One thing’s certain, Porsha is dfinitely bothered by Drew working with Dennis despite pretending not to be. Is it residual feelings for Dennis? Jealousy cause Porsha also wanted a music career in the past? Or are Porsha’s feelings valid cause her ex is filming with her co-worker on her show? Whatever the reason is, this feud is just heating up!