Sister Wives: Show "Villain" Robyn Brown's Most Shocking Quotes Explained xuanmai


Sister Wives star Robyn Brown's been considered a reality TV villain for years, and some of her shocking quotes tell powerful stories about her inner world. While she couldn't possibly be as bad as she's made out to be (she's not a criminal after all), Robyn isn't innocent. Like most people, she's a mixture of good and bad. She doesn't have a heart of gold, but so few people do. Nonetheless, she gets judged constantly.

Montage of Sister Wives Star Robyn Brown, with lightning bolts

Fans are calling out Robyn and Kody Brown after Garrison Brown's tragic death. They seem to blame the couple for his passing, which isn't fair.

Unfortunately, in Sister Wives season 18, Robyn's hypocrisy was blatant. This didn't help her to shed the villain label. She cried the usual crocodile tears onscreen while secretly wanting monogamy. She feigned misery over the state of the family, but her ultimate goal was to be Kody's one and only. Her transparent pantomime didn't come off well. Robyn isn't trusted and a lot of Sister Wives fans, including a creative Etsy entrepreneur, have stopped believing her.

Robyn's been too deceptive - at this stage of the game, her credibility is shot. Her most shocking quotes underscore this sad fact. People who want to be believed need to tell the truth instead of playing games.

"Open minded people don't care to be right"

Robyn Posted This Affirmation To Pinterest & Added: "Amen 100 Times!!!!"

At Pinterest, Robyn played the good girl again. She was as syrupy-sweet as one might expect, but she may have claws that she keeps sheathed. As she talked about the importance of "understanding" in relationships, butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. However, in the real world, Robyn has sowed the seeds of confusion, perhaps with a mind to fraying the Brown family's already fragile fabric.

For example, she likely "understands" why Christine Brown felt so jealous before leaving Kody. Robyn's more than intelligent enough to comprehend the undercurrents that simmered within the "other" wives, including Christine. Robyn's quite a smooth operator - she doesn't get her way by making a lot of noise. Instead, she covertly influences the man who was tasked with the family's decision-making - Kody.


was Kody's fourth wife


became Kody's legal wife after he asked Meri for a divorce. Now, Robyn's the only wife left.

If Robyn had understood Christine's pain, even if she couldn't really feel it, she might have done things differently. She might have stopped sitting next to Kody during every family meeting, as though she had some divine right to be by his side. However, she never changed that obnoxious habit. Robyn talks a good game about "understanding" but her words seem hollow. She didn't use her knowledge to ease the other wives' pain. Instead, she seemed to use it to wound them emotionally.

Now, Robyn has what she wants - a man who is, in many ways, a wreck. He's lost his son, which is horrible. Before that, he was cranky, negative and overly emotional. Kody was somewhat irrational in the latest Sister Wives installment. He seemed to blame everyone but himself (and Robyn) for the family's downfall. Of course, it was crystal clear that the issues stemmed from his favoritism.

sobyn robyn mug etsy sister wives

Thanks to this stormy drama, someone with a sense of humor decided to create a "Sobbin' Robyn" mug and sell it via Etsy, at their Thereisnostore boutique. See the sassy artisan's masterpiece above. Robyn's tears are salty but there are questions about their authenticity.

Well over 3000 "Sobyn's Tears" mugs have been sold so far.

"There's stretch marks and there's weight gain"

Robyn Brown Fat-Shamed Meri, Christine & Janelle

robyn brown sister wives montage with cell phone background

Yes, Robyn's petite, but what's inside? Is a woman's beauty all about the number on the bathroom scale? Or is beauty a mysterious blend of personality, looks and character? That is the question, and Robyn's cruel quote about the other wives showed that she may lack inner beauty at times. Perhaps insecurity drove her to lash out at the other women - why else would she be so intense and so mean? If she was wholly unthreatened by them, there would be no need to cut them down. While appearing in a Sister Wives One On One special, Robyn said:

... and there’s like — you're being stagnant in your marriage and there’s fights and money problems or whatever it is ... He still had this romance going with each of them."

With this kind of low conduct, Robyn betrays herself. She surrenders to the worst in herself. Since she always pretended to love the other wives, her comments are particularly jarring. She'd be highly unlikely to say such things, or even think along these lines, if she didn't have an axe to grind. Her fat-shaming remarks seemed like a way to comfort herself, as though she was trying to convince herself that the three other women had no value as human beings. Of course, this isn't true.

"It feels disrespectful to be happy with Kody"

Robyn Brown Isn't So Genuine Here

Robyn's life with Kody isn't perfect, as the clip above shows, but that doesn't mean that she's ashamed of anything. If she was really concerned about being "disrespectful," why would she fat-shame the other women and post shady affirmations on Pinterest? Obviously, she will stoop to such things - she has. So, it's hard to take the quote posted above seriously.

The lack of credibility is an ongoing issue. Robyn says one thing and does another. Her words and actions are in opposition.

Robyn needs to pick a story and keep that story straight. Instead, her "values" shift like desert sands. When the police interrogate suspects, they make them tell their stories over and over again. What they're looking for is inconsistency. Unfortunately, when it comes to Robyn's words and actions, inconsistency is a given.

If Robyn's happy with Kody, the Sister Wives star should just be honest about it. She loves her husband - that's nothing to be ashamed of. She wants him all to herself - also fully understandable. When Robyn tries to cloak her real motivations, although her quotes expose them, she harms her reputation. She is not who she pretended to be and nothing can change it. Robyn needs to be who she really is.