Star Trek: Khan is slated to premiere later this year


Star Trek: Khan is slated to premiere later this year

Star Trek: Khan, the scripted audio series first announced in 2022, is coming this year as Paramount announces Lost actor Naveen Andrews as the title role.

Joining Andrews as Marla McGivers, the Enterprise crew member who joined Khan and his crew at the end of the Star Trek: The Original Series episode “Space Seed,” is Wrenn Schmidt — known for For All Mankind.

“How did Khan go from a beneficent tyrant and superhuman visionary with a new world at his fingertips to the monster we think we know so well? Recently unearthed, the rest of Khan’s story will finally be told in Star Trek: Khan,” says Paramount’s formal announcement.

Additional cast will be announced at a later date. This series will be available to stream on all major podcast platforms.

Khan Noonien Singh is one of the most famous Star Trek villains, played by Ricardo Montalban in both the aforementioned TOS episode in 1967, and then again in 1982 for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

Star Trek vets Kirsten Beyer and David Mack serve as writers on the audio series. Star Trek: Khan is produced by CBS’ Eye Podcast Productions Inc.; Secret Hideout; and Roddenberry Entertainment. Executive producers include Alex Kurtzman, Aaron Baiers, Kirsten Beyer, Molly Barton, Fred Greenhalgh, Trevor Roth and Rod Roddenberry. The supervising producer is Robyn Johnson and the audio series was directed by Fred Greenhalgh. Realm serves as the production studio for the series.

Stay tuned to for all the latest news on Star Trek: KhanStar Trek: Strange New WorldsStar Trek: ProdigyStar Trek: Section 31, and more.