Sutton Calls Dorit “Poorit,” Says She Has a Bigger Wallet Than Her as Dorit Threatens to Go “Low,” Plus Boz Continues Her Fertility Journey, Kyle Gets Emotional in Therapy and Mo’s Pic With Another Woman is Leaked as Cast Reacts


After this episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, it is crystal clear that Dorit and Sutton need some time apart to heal. It is also very clear that Bozoma is taking her fertility journey seriously, as she prepares for this next step with her boyfriend.  But some life steps aren’t always exciting.  Kyle is grappling with her loneliness and when a photo of Mo kissing another women surfaces, she is knocked for a loop…

RHOBH Recap: Jennifer Hosts a Caviar and Caftan Party; Sutton Calls Dorit "Poorit" and Points Out She Has a Bigger Wallet Than Dorit; Plus, Boz Continues her Fertility Journey and Mo Gets Caught By the Paparazzi

Jennifer Tilly is thrilled to be hosting an event at Caviar Kaspia and thinks it will be a fun opportunity for the ladies to get together to put on a caftan and wear lots of jewelry. Silly, Jennifer.  Any time this group gets together for a “fun opportunity,” it gets turned into a battle. Speaking of battles, Sutton assists Jennifer in her party planning by drinking champagne and filling her in on Dorit’s Fourth of July battle party.

Sutton calls it traumatic as she replays the events that unfolded, focusing in on how Dorit perpetuated the infamous myth that Sutton has a drinking problem. Sutton is hip to Dorit’s insinuation, and so she left the party, and has yet to talk to Dorit…

Kyle’s therapist and life coach pays her a house call to check in on her. She is feeling a little lost, as this is the first summer the family will not be together.  Kyle points out that Mo has been living his life and having fun, whereas she has just been working. Kyle explains that she is getting impatient and does not enjoy this limbo that her life has become.  She is worried that Mo may want to come back, but this is the risk they are taking by separating.

Kyle never wanted to be divorced and she was very proud of her relationship. When Mo told her that he was afraid he could not be on his own, but now he can, she feels hurt. Her therapist doesn’t want Kyle to run away from her feelings and Kyle points out that she doesn’t see Mo being as emotional about the situation as she is. Mo did not fight for Kyle and now she is feeling more and more like she has to move on.

The fertility expert is in town to help Boz as she navigates this journey. Boz has the baby doctor come to her home since all her other services are done in house. Boz fills the doctor in on her pre-term pregnancies and she shares her fears about her “mature” pregnancy.

Boz’s boyfriend knocks to enter Boz’s home, which is interesting considering she is ready to have a baby with him, but he can’t let himself in. Boz learns that a spontaneous conception gets lower as women get older, but there may be a chance for her to become pregnant. Boz’s love for her boyfriend makes her hopeful that the 4 eggs she saw may be promising for a future pregnancy.

As the women prep for Jennifer’s party, Sutton fills the viewers in on Caviar Kaspia- best known for their (up to) $1,000 twice-baked potato.  Sutton makes it clear she prefers expensive caviar, as opposed to “somebody like Poorit.”  The way I gagged when Sutton threw that shade.  I see she is not over what happened yet…

Boz and Dorit ride over to the event together. Boz feels like there is a chance for Dorit to re-invite Sutton into the sisterhood, but Dorit feels like Sutton manipulates people to make them think she is the innocent one. Dorit is tired of Sutton’s act and so she is ready to hold Sutton accountable for her behaviors.

As Kyle and Sutton drive to Caviar Kaspia, Sutton refers to Dorit’s friends as the “Babysitters Club” because they are all “14.”   Sutton admits she is not being nice today.  She goes on to say that Dorit is not nice to her because Dorit aspires to have the life$$tyle she has.

Garcelle wonders why Dorit is not wearing a caftan as the invite stated (Dorit claims she “missed the caftan memo”).  When Sutton enters, she orders a water (is this a FU to Dorit?), and claims Dorit won’t “let the mouse go.”    

The tension is thick when the ladies sit down to eat.  Faye Resnick points out that Jennifer was nominated for an Academy Award in 1995 and Jennifer explains that she is half-Chinese.  The women are amazed to hear this.  For a moment it seems like things are going to be ok, but when Sutton asks Boz how many people she has in her today, it is evident Sutton has come to fight.  She is referring to Dorit saying she never knows what Sutton she is going to have. 

Sutton, already fired up, tells Dorit she has something to tell her, and so, in typical Dorit fashion, she clangs her glass ala wedding reception and gains the attention she always seeks from the group for the show, I mean discussion.

Sutton begins by rehashing what went down at Dorit’s party.   She points out that Dorit put vodka in her coca cola and wonders why Dorit has yet to apologize for insinuating she has a drinking problem.  Sutton makes it perfectly clear that Dorit needs to pick on someone else “whose wallet fits.”  No, ma’am.  Why would she say that?! Everyone is in shock and Erika asks Sutton, “You think you’re bigger than her?” to which Sutton retorts, “I think my wallet is.”  Ooph, Sutton.  I mean, she is not lying, but come on.

Everyone is cringing as Sutton goes lower than low. Dorit call her a “f*cking c*nt” in her confessional and states “the only thing your big wallet has brought you is a horse instead of a date.”  Sutton is tired of Dorit picking on her and she calls Dorit “missy.” She points out that Dorit did not want her at the party and laments that she should have called Dorit a “f*cking b*tch.”  Wow.  Dorit laughs this off, pointing out that she is clearly not the tacky, low, and classless one.  Dorit asks for a mirror so Sutton can hold one up in front of her face.

Garcelle asks Dorit to apologize for the terrible joke about drinking, but Dorit’s sincerity (or lack thereof) is laughable. Sutton is burning holes in Dorit’s body with her eyes and states that Dorit has nothing to give to her.  Dorit realizes that Sutton does not want a productive conversation and Sutton needs space.

Kyle runs to check in on Dorit, who states that she will “eviscerate Sutton” if she were to go as low as Sutton does. Kyle understands why Sutton would be so triggered by the drinking comments after learning about her dad’s background, but Dorit is not moved. Instead, Dorit calls Sutton gross and states that when Sutton balances out her meds, she can come talk to her.

The episode wraps up with a steamy paparazzi picture of Mo kissing a woman in a Greek airport.  Everyone is in shock over this, especially Kyle. She figures that Mo did not expect paparazzi to capture this smooch in Europe, but the ladies think otherwise.  Did he plan this on purpose?  Sutton thinks it is a bit shady and wonders if Kyle and Mo are using the paparazzi to get back at each other…Kyle with Morgan…now Mo with this woman.  Really makes ya think…