Tom Brady shares thoughts on Caleb Williams’ ultimate goal


Before the Chicago Bears drafted Caleb Williams first overall, he was a guest on The Pivot Podcast, and NFL fans started to get an understanding of who Caleb was as a person. His competitiveness came out in the interview, as did his ultimate goal of winning eight Super Bowls, one more than Tom Brady.

Brady was recently asked about Caleb’s lofty goals and if that was too much to strive for, and he gave an answer fitting of one of the all-time greats.

“Everyone’s gonna find different ways for motivation, and that is certainly a way that Caleb can find it. A lot of people are gonna find different motivations. I found them with the way that I did that were useful to me. I think that there’s a lot that goes into winning one, and you got to set your goals high. I would never tell anyone they can't achieve anything because if you would’ve told me I couldn’t achieve anything, you know that would’ve been discouraging, and I don’t want people to discourage young athletes one bit.”

“So I think people should always reach for the stars; certainly young quarterbacks in the league. They’ve got a lot of opportunity, but their career is gonna be made by what they choose to do, and the work they put in, and the relationships they develop with their teammates and the organizations makes an impact. They should have high goals, but at the same time, they’re gonna have to work hard to achieve them, and I really look forward to seeing that process unfold. That’s really where the hard part comes for sure.”

The best in any field always aims high, so I love Caleb's ultimate goal of being the greatest of all time.