We Have Star Trek To Blame For These 10 Popular Memes


The Star Trek franchise and fandom have become ingrained in popular culture, and they are responsible for a number of recognizable internet memes. Star Trek: The Original Series began well before the invention of the internet, but the show quickly grew in popularity throughout the 1960s and 1970s. By the time of Star Trek: The Next Generation and its spinoffs, internet usage was becoming more widespread, and the shows began to develop an online following. Internet chat rooms and message boards gave Trekkies an avenue to discuss their love of Trek and connect with other fans.

In the mid-2000s, memes began popping up all over the internet, some with photos of random animals or people, others with recognizable fictional characters. Since then, countless Star Trek memes have found their way to the internet, spanning the entire Star Trek timeline. Still, some memes became more popular than others, growing bigger than the Star Trek fandom and taking on a life of their own.

10Lt. Geordi La Forge & Hull Problems

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Two images of Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton) on Star Trek: The Next Generation have become popular as a meme used to compare two things. While this meme has been used to reference Star Trek content (as seen in the examples above), it has also been used to describe everything from political commentary to someone's taste in music.

The most popular memed images of Geordi come from TNG season 6, episode 9, "The Quality of Life," as he gestures during a poker game.

Another, more Star Trek-specific Geordi meme depicts the Enterprise-D engineer with the phrase: "If you're having hull problems, I feel bad for you son; I got 99 problems, but a breach ain't one." These hilarious alternate lyrics from the Jay-Z song, "99 Problems" perfectly suit Geordi, as he took great pride in keeping the USS Enterprise-D in tip-top shape, and could always find creative solutions to a problem.


9"I Am Not A Merry Man" & Other Worf Memes

Star Trek: The Next Generation & Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

After his introduction on Star Trek: The Next Generation, Michael Dorn's Lt. Worf became one of the most popular and prolific Star Trek characters. For most of TNG's run, he served as the Security Chief on the USS Enterprise-D under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart). Despite his stoic Klingon attitude, Worf could be surprisingly funny and delivered some great one-liners throughout his Star Trek career.

In TNG season 4, episode 20, "Qpid," the god-like Q (John de Lancie) sends Picard and his crew on an adventure as Robin Hood and his merry men. Upon learning of their predicament and seeing his outfit, Worf declares that he is "not a merry man," an iconic quote that has since become a meme. Worf has also appeared in numerous other memes, including ones that point out his superiority to Lt. Tasha Yar (Denise Crosby) and others that highlight his luscious Klingon locks.


8"Sobbing Mathmatically" & Other Spock Memes

Star Trek: The Original Series