There is someone who can help the GCPD, but they may not even know how much they actually know: Traci Abbott (Beth Maitland). In her hotel room, Traci saw the alerts coming in on Alan’s phone (in rapid succession) about a security breach at a “facility,” confirming to viewers who was behind Phyllis and Sharon's drugged abduction — and what a moment that reveal was.
Alan snatched the phone from Traci and explained that he had been hacked a few days prior, and he didn't know what the messages were about. He claimed he wasn't opening his phone for fear of it being hacked even more — but Traci knew he had been using his phone for other purposes, so his excuse didn’t make sense. Alan apologized to Traci for overreacting to her holding his phone. By all appearances, this was enough to smooth the situation over, and Traci seemed to accept his explanation.
We need Traci to just slip into a conversation with Chance about Alan's phone being hacked and his worry about it. If anyone knows a cop, you’ll see that they always ask leading questions, even when you're having coffee with them or at a social engagement. We can hope that Chance will do this and then be able to put two and two together, not come up with seven, and be able to break the case wide open. Or, maybe Traci will hear about the kidnapping and rescue, and the timing of it and put it together herself. But the question remains: Would Traci turn Alan in? Viewers shared their opinions.
“Just a thought, but I think she will..unwittingly. I think she will go to Chance and tell him that Alan's phone has been hacked, thinking she is doing him a favour. She will tell Chance what she has seen on his phone and about the constant alert messages, and, with any luck, Chance will clue in and piece things together,” said user Angeldar on the Soap Central Message boards.

Another user had this to say: “Well, if Alan feels Traci is a threat, will we see yet another person, i.e. Traci, disappear and be a victim of yet ANOTHER kidnapping?” Well, I, for one, certainly hope not. We all have had our fill of kidnappings on The Young and the Restless.
Watch full episodes of The Young and the Restless on CBS or stream it on Paramount Plus.
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