10 'Love is Blind' Couples Fans Thought Would Say Yes, but Didn't


Since the moment Love Is Blind reached Netflix viewers’ screens, they've been shocking the entire reality TV world. This unique social and dating experiment crammed several singles into pods, where they would speed-date other contestants sight unseen. The experiment's goal was to prove that love doesn't rely on physical attraction and successful relationships can be built on an emotional connection first. In each season of Love Is Blind, several couples have gotten engaged and tried their relationship out in the real world. If all goes well, they walk down the aisle and say, “I do.”

Second to the reveal, the nuptials are the most anticipated portion of the series. The contestants’ weddings are the moment everyone learns the truth: is love truly blind? As the couples navigated their relationships on screen, some seemed inevitably doomed, simply waiting for their ill fate. Others seemed to have all the odds in their favor. However, even though some couples had an amazing connection, by the time they reached the altar they surprised everyone—producers, viewers, their partners—and sometimes even themselves. Here are the ten Love Is Blind couples fans thought would say “I do” but shockingly backed out.

10 Mark Cuevas & Jessica Batten

Season 1
Jessica walking down the aisle away from Mark in a scene from Love is Blind.
Image via Netflix

While most of Mark Cuevas and Jessica Batten's storylines were gut-wrenching from the start, fans had faith in this couple because Mark was head over heels in love. Mark only had eyes for Jessica, no matter how horribly she treated him. In one of the first love triangles of the series, Jessica was torn between Matthew Barnett and Mark. For Jessica, the 10-year age gap she shared with Mark and his emotional availability were red flags. However, once Matthew chose Amber Pike, Jessica doubled back to Mark, who readily accepted her. Mark did all that he could to appease his fiancé, but Jessica simply could not accept him for who he was. It was no surprise that Mark would say yes at the altar—the internet nicknamed the show “Mark is Blind” after all. But Jessica's mind was a little harder to read.

Some days, the Love Is Blind cast member Jessica appeared more willing to work on their differences and move forward with an open mind than others. At the altar, Jessica's hot and cold demeanor finally came to an end when she finally admitted the truth and said no to Mark. But not without waiting an extraordinarily long time before answering the question. During her long, awkward pause, the realization settled on Mark's face. He finally realized that he would never be enough and that he wasn't getting his happy ending. The moment he lost hope was broadcast for all Netflix viewers to watch along, making the “I don’t” speech even more painful.

Clay Gravesande & Amber Desiree ‘AD’ Smith

Season 6
Clay Gravesande in a white shirt and AD Smith in a light blue dress, smiling and laughing outside at nighttime in Love is Blind.
Image via Netflix 

Clay Gravesande was certainly full of red flags. He missed the purpose of the experiment by prying for more information about Amber Desiree ‘AD’ Smith's looks while they were in the pods. He was also overly aware of his childhood trauma, perhaps even to the point of self-sabotaging his relationship with AD. Despite his worries about following in his father's footsteps and stepping out of his relationship, Clay only had eyes for AD. In fact, AD was involved in a love triangle with Matthew Duliba, but Clay always said he only wanted her. Throughout their segment, Clay certainly foreshadowed his decision. He was far too worried about being the “perfect” husband and how “messed up” he was from his parents’ actions.

AD reassured him the best she could, but Clay couldn't accept AD's genuine faith in them. While Clay certainly had his reservations, he stunned viewers when he said no to AD at the altar. Clay claimed saying yes wouldn't be “responsible” and that he needed more time to work on himself. The Love Is Blind star AD was just as stunned as well, with tears streaming down her face. Their love appeared to be genuine on-screen and their connection only continued to grow. While they had their troubles, AD had unwavering focus and faith. Unfortunately, though, Clay let his insecurities get the best of him, which was unexpected. It also raised the concern that a woman could do all the right things and still not be enough for the man she loved.

8 Cole Barnett & Zanab Jaffrey

Season 3
Cole Barnett and Zanab Jaffrey from Love Is Blind.
Image via Netflix

Cole Barnett and Zanab Jaffrey were so cute together in the pods. The hopes were high for this couple, but Cole was involved in a love triangle that he would never be able to live down. In the pods, Cole was attracted to Zanab and Colleen Reed. Cole chose Zanab, especially since Colleen was a little slow to open up. Luckily, her decision benefited her because she later got engaged to Matthew Bolton. While the experience worked out for Colleen and Matt, the same could not be said for Cole and Zanab. Their first interactions as a Love Is Blind couple seemed to go well, with no real red flags. Cole gushed over how beautiful his fiancé was and she reciprocated the sentiment. However, their relationship would go downhill at the cast gathering. Cole made the mistake of ranking Colleen and Zanab. The rating alone might not have been too bad had he not said Colleen was more attractive than Zanab.

Then he followed up the rating with a comment about how he would have made a pass at Colleen in the real world. There was also a conversation between Cole and Colleen that didn't sit well with Zanab or Matt. The endless comments about Colleen destroyed Zanab's confidence and by the time they made it to the real world, they were bickering over small things like cooking chicken and holding wine glasses. All their turmoil would lead to the series' most gut-wrenching, heartbreaking, and surprising “I don't” speech. Zanab went straight for the jugular and didn't hold back. In her speech, she claimed Cole “disrespected,” “critiqued,” and “criticized” her. About halfway through, the tears formed in Coles’ eyes, but that didn't slow Zanab down. While both Love Is Blind stars had their faults and could have communicated better, Cole had genuine intentions and truly cared for Zanab.

7 Taylor Rue & Jared ‘JP’ Pierce

Season 3
Jared 'JP' Pierce and Taylor Rue from Love Is Blind.
Image via Netflix

Taylor Rue and Jared ‘JP’ Pierce were another adorable couple in the pods. At first, they seemed to be along the same lines as all-time fan favorites, like Brett Brown and Tiffany Pennywell or Lauren Speed and Cameron Hilton. Their conversations flowed, JP cracked jokes, and their chemistry was on point. They were a promising couple and almost instantly a fan favorite. It was no surprise that they were the first couple to get engaged. The fallout they would face in Mexico, however, was surprising.

JP's energy shifted after the reveal. Taylor sensed it. Viewers noticed it. JP was different, and it took a lot of prodding for him to finally open up. It turned out that JP thought Taylor wore too much makeup. He also felt pressured by Taylor to be more like his pod-self, which made him even more reluctant to open up. Unfortunately for these Love Is Blind co-stars, their spark depleted almost as quickly as it was ignited. Taylor and JP never made it to the altar because they realized early on they weren't as compatible as they'd believed.

6 Jackie Bonds & Marshall Glaze

Season 4
Jackie Bonds and Marshall Glaze from Love Is Blind.
Image via Neflix

Being involved in a love triangle is so common in Love Is Blind that Jackie Bonds' involvement with Josh Demas didn't seem that important. Admittedly, Jackie was a little confused at first and couldn't decide between the two men. However, Marshall Glaze had a lot of promise and a lot to offer. He wasn't afraid to tell Jackie how strongly he felt for her. Plus, he helped Brett and Tiffany connect, so he had a good sense of character. Once Marshall made it clear that he only had eyes for Jackie and was willing to do anything to prove that to her, her focus changed. Jackie accepted Marshall's proposal and moved forward with him in the real world.

Much to viewers’ surprise, the couple's relationship wouldn't survive much longer than their Mexico trip. Jackie realized she wasn't physically attracted to Marshall and didn't have faith he could handle her attitude. The two Love Is Blind participants constantly bickered and by the time Jackie was expected for her wedding dress fitting, she had decided to leave Marshall. Unlike many other Love Is Blind contestants, Marshall appeared to have a good head on his shoulders, as well as emotional maturity and stability. These qualities are perfect for a successful Love Is Blind relationship, but not the qualities Jackie desired.

5 Giannina Milady Gibelli & Damian Powers

Season 1
Giannina Gibelli and Damian Powers from Love Is Blind.
Image via Netflix

This couple started out promising, as they connected to the pods quickly. In Season 1, Giannina Milady Gibelli fell so hard for Damian Powers that she popped the question in an unanticipated twist. However, their physical relationship wouldn’t grow as quickly as their emotional connection did. Their physical disconnection would lead to the infamous scene in which Giannina ruthlessly tells her fiancé Damian that he was not “great” in the sack. They did have a few other hiccups in their relationship, too. Damian had a hard time opening up about some of his concerns, like his financial issues. The Love Is Blind contestant also lacked a little emotional maturity and would flip arguments to highlight Gigi's flaws.

Aside from her tongue-lashing and a few lovers' quarrels, they seemed like a couple who would push past the tough times because of the connection they formed in the pods. Unfortunately, though, that was not the case, and viewers were stunned when Damian turned her down. Gigi was also stunned because the devastating reveal would cause her to run away from the altar and later break off a piece of her dress, symbolizing their shattered relationship. Overall, despite their messy wedding day and occasional hurdles, the couple had chemistry. Even though they didn't get married, they continued their relationship for two years. Currently, the Love Is Blind couple is no longer together, but their perseverance and attempt to stay together showed the couple had genuine feelings for one another.

4 Mallory Zapata & Sal Perez

Season 2
Mallory in a wedding dress Sal in a suit sitting on empty guest chairs talking in a scene from Love is Blind.
Image via Netflix

There was so much potential for this couple, even though they had a rocky start. For a while there, Sal Perez had some competition. In true Love Is Blind fashion, this messy love triangle involved Jarrette Jones, who was also vying for Mallory Zapata's attention. Lucky for Sal, Jarrette also had his eyes on Iyanna McNeely. Plus, no one could compare with Sal’s musical talents and serenades. Soon Mal fell head over heels and the couple got engaged, but the real world proved to have some hurdles they needed to overcome. Sal was insecure about Mal and Jarrette's connection, especially after their conversation in Mexico. Meanwhile, Mal's family weren't sure Sal was the one for her.

Even though they had a few red flags, their connection was more solid compared to the other contestants. They seemed the most compatible out of the Season 2 stars, which was why their Love Is Blind breakup was so stunning. Sal declined at the altar, claiming that Mallory's family's lack of support for their marriage and their communication efforts led him to say no. To make matters worse, Mallory admitted she would have said yes if Sal did, confirming the love and attraction on her end. Their separation was amicable and Sal also saved face with Mal's family as he addressed and apologized to them directly. Fans still had hope for this couple though, especially since they met on a date after their wedding, but their relationship didn't blossom any further.

3 Natalie Lee & Shayne Jansen

Season 2
Natalie and Shayne at the altar both looking at their guests and seeming sad in Love is Blind.
Image via Netflix

Much like Sal and Mallory, being part of a love triangle would prove to be a major issue for this couple. Shayne Jansen was interested in both Love Is Blind cast members, Natalie Lee and Shaina Hurley. In fact, early in the series, he even mistook the two in the pods, which led to one of the most awkward scenes in the season as he dug himself into a hole. Thinking Natalie was Shaina, Shayne asked her what she was wearing and then launched into a mini-conversation before Natalie could reveal herself. Ultimately, he would choose Natalie, but his wandering eye and his connection with Shaina would continue to be a problem. However, much like the other listed couples, Shayne and Natalie appeared to have a genuine connection that they continued to build upon during their time together in the real world.

While Shaina and Shayne may have shared some time together that made both viewers and Natalie uncomfortable, ultimately, Shayne and his fiancé were “best friends.” By the time they made it to the altar, no one knew what was going to happen, but a fight before their wedding night would seal their fate. At the altar, Shayne said yes, while Natalie said no. Natalie didn't share much more information other than Shayne said she was the “worst thing ever” and that he “hated” her. There was no denying the love was there, but Natalie couldn't say yes right away. The Love Is Blind couple did date afterward, but like many other stars, they would end up seeing the same fate.

2 Raven Ross and Sikiru “SK” Alagbada

Season 3
Kaven and SK facing one another at the altar on Love is Blind, a woman reading vows.
Image via Netflix 

Like many of the Love Is Blind couples, this duo started in a messy love triangle too. Raven Ross was interested in both Bartiste Bowden and Sikiru ‘SK’ Alagbada. For a while there, anticipating Raven's next actions seemed impossible. At first, she appeared more interested in Bartiste, but she opened up more and more to SK as the show went on. Realizing that SK would be a better match, she accepted his proposal. The couple had their fair share of ups and downs upon entering the real world. Raven was financially secure and wasn't fond of her lifestyle changing because she needed to support her future husband. The Love Is Blind couple also struggled with cultural differences and deciding where to live once they got married.

However, their connection grew with each appearance, and both of them seemed genuine. Even though Raven may not have been comfortable with all the changes, she was certainly open to giving it a shot and compromising with her fiancé. As Raven connected more with SK, their love blossomed, and she was more than willing to do whatever she needed to make SK and his family happy. SK fooled his fiancé, mother, and viewers because everyone was sure he'd say yes at the altar. Although they had their troubles and red flags, their relationship seemed to be on a positive trajectory, especially compared to the other couples in the series. It seemed as though they even realized they had made a mistake, because they got back together and SK re-proposed, but sadly, their Love Is Blind relationship ended again soon after that.

1 Ismael ‘Izzy’ Zapata Jr. & Stacy Snyder

Season 5
Stacy and Izzy stand at the altar on 'Love Is Blind' Season 5.
Image via Netflix

While this couple may not have been everyone's fan favorite, and they may have had some red flags, this duo also had a lot in common. Ismael ‘Izzy’ Zapata Jr. found himself amid a love quadruple early on in the season. Lydia Gonzalez, Johnie Maraist, and Stacy Snyder were all interested in the sales professional. He soon narrowed his choices down to Johnie and Stacy. But after Johnie opened up about her past and how she could be a “walking red flag,” and Stacy shared a poem about her giddy feelings toward Izzy, the sales professional made his decision. Stacy and Izzy had similar vibes and extroverted personalities. The Love Is Blind Season 5 couple seemed to mesh together well, especially in the pods, where their easygoing relationship seemed better than some of the other stars’ connections.

Their time in Mexico would be pretty smooth sailing, as it was clear that the two were attracted to each other and enjoying their time together. Their problems would come into play upon entering the real world after learning about the differences in their financial status. Stacy was the type of woman to keep expensive glasses and brass flatware. Meanwhile, Izzy drank out of red solo cups and kept a little black book with a list of his conquests. In truth, Izzy wasn't forthcoming about his financial history. However, by the same token, Stacy seemed overly obsessed with wealth or Izzy's lack thereof, which seemed counterintuitive given that the purpose of the experiment was to embrace their emotional connection. Ultimately, their differing levels of wealth would lead Stacy to say no at the altar. Some Love Is Blind fans may have expected this, but given their strong connection, the duo certainly could've made it work had they tried.