Carey Price Makes His True Feelings Known About Playing in Games Like the Four Nations Faceoff


The great Carey Price, of the Montreal Canadiens, was at the Bell Centre last night and took the opportunity to give a few interviews.

Carey Price Makes His True Feelings Known About Playing in Games Like the Four Nations Faceoff

Let's just say we would have much preferred to see him in net rather than in the stands, but that's an impossible scenario due to the circumstances we all know.


However, thanks to an article from TVA Sports, we learn that Carey Price would not have said no to the Four Nations Faceoff.

Carey Price would have accepted Team Canada's offer if his health had allowed him to play in the tournament

Here is an excerpt from the article.

In an interview with the Ottawa Citizen, [Price] admits that if he had been able to continue his career in recent years, the Canada-USA showdown scheduled for Saturday night is exactly the kind of event he would have really wanted to take part in.

'Big moments like this are why you play hockey, right?' Price told Postmedia in an interview on Saturday.

'You live for the big moments. I just talked to somebody who asked me what I miss about hockey. That nervous energy before games. That's probably one of the things I miss the most about playing hockey.'

- Carey Price

The former number 31 reiterated how much he misses hockey and how much he would have loved to be in uniform last night.

Regardless, it was really great to see him back at the Bell Centre last night:

Yes, Carey really would have loved to play last night: