Bryce Durfee debuted as Vaughn on yesterday’s episode of General Hospital and my soap watcher radar is already up about the potential (likely) new pairing.
Spy Tales
Now that Brennan (Chris McKenna) has successfully recruited Josslyn (Eden McCoy) into the WSB, she will be paired professionally with newcomer Bryce Durfee’s character of Vaughn, who will be her handler. I would be remiss to not see the potential in a new pairing. Although Josslyn has only been single a short time, following Dex’s (Evan Hofer) death, she will be put in dangerous situations that Vaughn is likely to save her from, or vice versa. As they bond as co-workers, will it turn into a romance, as it inevitably always does?
Their first scenes crackled with the right amount of chemistry between Durfee and McCoy to set up the premise that they could be destined for coupledom. Right before Vaughn’s entrance, a flashback to Joss in the hospital crying over Dex’s dead body was played, then they literally started training, trading barbs back and forth. It felt like a final goodbye to Dex as the new co-workers sparred with each other. I think there was much more to be mined from Dex and Josslyn and this introduction of Vaughn could have ushered in a triangle. Dex’s death, while part of a larger storyline, felt rushed and unnecessary. What would really ramp up the drama would be for Dex to return from the dead right as Vaughn and Joss fall in love. I mean, he did look very dead, but stranger things have happened on soaps. Plus, Evan Hofer was one of the show’s most promising leading men and was never given the opportunity to really play out the pain of his character’s abusive past.
Josslyn has not exactly been lucky in love since she started dating. Her first boyfriend, Oscar (Garren Stitt), succumbed to cancer and her latest boyfriend, Dex, was murdered (or was he not?) by Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober), who she just killed. Cameron (William Lipton) is still living and breathing – attending Stanford University. The WSB is a dangerous agency to work for. If the coupling does happen, should Vaughn be concerned that Josslyn could be the kiss of death, given her past loves?
What do you think? Is the writing on the wall, or would you like to see Josslyn stay single for a while? Sound off in the comments below!