Lala Kent Accidentally Exposed Herself in a Club


Coming up on six years sober, Vanderpump Rules star Lala Kent is recalling some of her most embarrassing moments. In particular, the time in Las Vegas when she was “wasted” and unintentionally exposed herself in a club.

Lala remembered going to a nightclub when she was “maybe 21, 22.” The club had bathrooms with doors that were clear glass, but when locked, they fogged up for privacy. Suddenly, “I see this guy [standing outside], and I’m like, ‘I can see him. Can he see me?’“

“And he’s knocking, and he’s like, ‘You need to lock the door. We can see you!’“

This bathroom is “my new home”

Lala Kent reflects on exposing herself in a nightclub.

“It was just so embarrassing,” Lala admitted. But it gets worse. The restrooms were elevated from the crowd, meaning everyone could see her.

“I was like, ‘This bathroom’s amazing! I can watch what everyone’s doing,’“ she recalled. She also admitted that, like a lot of us do, she squatted over the toilet, thinking, “I’m not sitting on that disgusting toilet.”

“Vagina on display!” exclaimed co-host Jessica Walter.

“I want to say it didn’t last that long,” Lala added, once the other club-goer alerted her about the see-through door. “Once [he] knew, like, ‘Oh! She’s going to the bathroom, she’s, like, hiking [up her skirt], She has no idea that we can see her.’“

Even after locking the door and fogging the glass, Lala “stayed in there for a while ’cause I’m like, ‘Everyone’s wasted. Hopefully, they’ll forget.’“

“They’ll sit and watch the bathroom for, like, however [long], and then, you know, their Molly will kick in, and they’ll be off to the races,” she said. “I’m never leaving. Done. That’s my new home. Yes, I’m not leaving that bathroom.”

“It was embarrassing, to say the least,” the expectant mom concluded.