Prospect Q&A: Jayden Perron

Getting to know more about the right-handed sniper at this week's Development Camp

Every year when the NHL Draft comes around, at least one member of the Carolina Hurricanes' brass talks about how the team wants to draft not just quality players, but quality people.

When it comes to 2023 third-round pick Jayden Perron, it doesn't get much better.

As nice of a human as could be, the 19-year-old from Winnipeg was kind enough to answer a few questions for us this week at Prospects Development Camp.

How was your first year at North Dakota?

"It was good. It was fun. It's pretty crazy playing in front of those fans.

Every single night, it didn't matter who we were playing against, it was basically sold out or it was sold out. That made the environment a lot of fun."

What were some of the biggest adjustments for you, going from playing in the USHL to the college game?

"I learned that there are no easy games in college, and that was something that you have to get used to. You can't take a game off.

It was a good challenge. It helped make things fun, but at the same time, that was probably the biggest thing."

What were some things you felt like you excelled at, or what was your biggest strength?

"Probably how I think the game.  That's something that you can use at any level.

It was something I felt confident in right away, so that helped."

You got a close-up view of Jackson Blake's season that landed him as a Hobey Baker finalist.  How special was that?

"It was electric.  Getting to watch him every night there was definitely fun.

Everyone sees all the highlights, but all of the guys on our team see how hard he works and how hard he practices.

That carries over to the game and it's just so fun to watch."

You were here at Prospects Development Camp last year. What did you learn there that you brought to this year, or knew coming in that benefited you?

"I think just getting comfortable with the guys was just the biggest thing at the start.

Now I know what it takes and you get to see these guys from all over the world play. I try and learn things from them and see what it takes to the next level because everyone here is so good.

Everyone's good in college, but everyone's even better here."

What are some areas of your game that you'd like to grow or improve on?

"I want to keep working on my skating. I want to get faster and faster.

Obviously, you see the NHL players play and they're playing at full speed all the time. I think that's something that would benefit me.

I've been trying to put on a little bit of strength and mass, so I think that would help me a lot too."

When you do watch NHL games, who are some that you really enjoy their game?

"There's Connor McDavid, that's an obvious answer, but I also really like watching Artemi Panarin too.

He's so fun to watch. He's super skilled and always making plays."

Let's finish up with some off-ice questions. Favorite food?

"French fries."

Do you have a favorite place to get them from?

"Nope, doesn't matter."

Favorite restaurant?

"Earl's at home (Winnipeg) is a go-to spot."

Favorite thing to get there?

"Steak and fries."

Favorite song at the moment?

"'Sleeve' by Nate Smith."

Who is the funniest guy in the room this week?

"I've been able to room with Blaker (Jackson Blake), so I guess I'll go with him. He's always fun to hang around."