RHODubai Recap: Taleen Accuses Brooks of Being an Instigator as Brooks Refuses to Move Forward With Her, and Sarah is Grilled After She Introduces Her Man, Plus is Lesa Jealous of Chanel & Stanbury?


The pressure seems to be getting to many of these Real Housewives of Dubai.  Stanbury is overwhelmed after moving into her new house, plus Sergio’s desire to have a baby seems to push her to plan a desert day for the girls.  But Brooks and Taleen are not on the best of terms.  The pressure from Brooks’ business is getting the best of her and Taleen is tired of Brooks instigating.  Will Brooks take accountability or will this friendship shatter?

RHODubai Recap: Taleen Accuses Brooks of Instigating Drama as Brooks Refuses to Move Forward With Her, and Sarah is Grilled After She Introduces Her Man, Plus is Lesa Jealous of Chanel & Stanbury?

Caroline has decided to host a desert party for all of the girls, partly to escape the stress of moving into her new house and partly to escape Sergio’s family when they come to visit.  The house isn’t nearly ready for company (Stanbury is still sleeping on the floor!), but that doesn’t stop her new bestie, Ayan, from popping over.

It’s ironic that Ayan is the first guest in the new place considering their history, but times have changed.  Stanbury takes her on a tour and we learn about the 80-year-old Bonsai tree brought in that gets it’s own vitamins and we see Stanbury’s closet, which although not completely finished, is still to die for.  Even Ayan has to admit the house is top notch.

When the potential nursery gets shown to Ayan, she can tell how much Sergio really wants a baby, which leads to some awkward conversation.  Ayan lets them know that Stanbury’s daughter does not want another kid around since she was raised by a nanny and she is leaving for college.  Stanbury gets defensive, but admits that she wasn’t around since she was running a big business. Sergio feels like this “fun” baby will come at the right time…

Speaking of babies, Taleen and her husband, Raffi, have a discussion about having baby #3, ideally a boy.  Taleen is torn on this idea since she had a tough time with pregnancy, plus she has come so far gaining back her identity.

Taleen changes the topic to Lesa attacking her at Ayan’s queens’ dinner.  She talks about the game of telephone, spear-headed by Brooks, claiming that Stanbury was talking smack about Taleen.  Taleen went right to Stanbury to ask if this was true, but Taleen shares that Stanbury denied saying such things.  Taleen goes on to say that things have been trying with Brooks between the 2 am phone calls and how she constantly inserts herself/instigates issues with Stanbury. Taleen knows that when and if she tries to bring this up to Brooks, she will say that she is simply just trying to be a good friend.

Lesa is thrilled to be shooting Mina Roe’s new skincare line. Lesa refers to this brand as the daughter has never had, but admits that she is struggling trying to balance the mom life, which seems to be a common theme within this group.  Take Sara, for instance.  She is testing out the waters with her “friend” Akin, but also wants to protect her son.  Akin seems to have won over Sara’s son after a babysitting session, so much so that her son boldly says Akin will be his dad one day.

Sergio and Stanbury pay a visit to the fertility clinic.  In the last few months, Stanbury has not thought about the baby boy embryo they have, but realizes that one day it might become a reality. Usually the doctor likes the woman to get pregnant before 50 and since there is no surrogacy in Dubai, the timing is rather urgent. Sergio wants nothing to do with the idea of a surrogacy and when the doctor shows them a picture of the “beautiful embryo,” Sergio is over the moon about this next chapter.  However, Stanbury is not on the same page as him. When asked if she could see herself having a baby in the next year, she is still very unsure.

It’s the first day of Ramadan and Saba has invited Lesa, Ayan, and Sara to break fast. Sara brings along Akin and the rest of the ladies cannot stop staring at his good looks; however, they do grill Akin and Sara is pleased to see this interrogation on behalf of her.  Everyone seems to approve, especially Brooks, who is hoping to meet her very own Akin one day.

As they eat, Sara asks Ayan about Lesa snapping at her during the queens’ dinner. Ayan lets her know it might have something to do with the fact that Lesa’s mother left to go back to the US, and so she is overwhelmed.  Ayan is uncomfortable talking about her bestie like that, and so she tells the ladies if they have questions, they should go ask Lesa themselves.

Brooks and Taleen are out for the night and Taleen talks about trying to build back her life, despite her husband wanting a third kid.  Brooks explains that she has been working like crazy and it is taking a toll on her physically.

After some chit chat, Brooks talks about her concern over Stanbury’s desert invite, considering the way things have been within the group.  Taleen decides to get right to it and lets Brooks know she feels as though Brooks instigates things behind the scenes.  Taleen muses that perhaps Brooks is fearful Taleen won’t always have her back.  On top of that, Taleen wants Brooks to admit she is the “queen of the telephone game.”  Brooks claims she has protected Taleen like she is her child and Taleen can’t get over the fact that Brooks keep stirring the pot.  As one of Brooks’s oldest friends in Dubai, Taleen is shocked to see Brooks react this way to this conversation.  At the end of the meal, Taleen states, “let’s move on” and to that Brooks retorts, “There is no moving forward.  I’m good,” leaving us all to wonder WTF does that mean?!

Sergio’s family has arrived to the new house, and although Stanbury claims to “get on well” with his parents, she is busy calling in to complain about the “massive chip” in her tv stand and dips out to the desert as soon as they arrive. The desert, after all, is a welcome escape that does not involve baby talk, woes of the new house, or in-laws.

The ladies gather, questioning Stanbury for this desert destination.  Brooks complains and Ayan arrives looking like a “blueberry loofah,” which is the opposite of appropriate desert garb.  When the equivalent of a Sprinter van (sans AC) arrives to cart the ladies over to Stanbury, Lesa feels like Stanbury maxed out her credit card on the new house and so they have to make do with the ride provided.

Sergio is such a nuisance 🙄 Real Housewives of Dubai s2 ep 4 review

Once they arrive to Stanbury’s location, they are in for a treat.  Stanbury’s friend’s husband collects sports cars and so she was able to get cars for the ladies to drive to the desert.  While in the car with Stanbury,  Taleen spills about her convo with Brooks and the way Brooks reacted to being called an instigator. Stanbury realizes that Taleen has balls, since she doesn’t blindly follow Taleen due to their long-time friendship.

After the cars, they try sand sledding, and we get to see just how jealous Lesa is of Ayan’s new friendship with Stanbury.  They get lead to a table for some food, but we realize quickly that fasting in the desert is the harshest conditions.  Stanbury did not think this through for her girls that celebrate Ramadan…

Sara claims she has not kissed Akin yet, which causes some serious confusion amongst the women. They discuss being at peace and how Brooks has gotten to a place of calm, which make Taleen scoff.  Taleen discusses the “altercation” she got into with Brooks the night before and shares her annoyance with Brooks not admitting she is an instigator.  Brooks states she doesn’t care about this issue, which makes Taleen wonder if they’re as close as she thought they were.  To be continued…