Welcome to the recap for Real Housewives of Potomac Season 9, Episode 19. Last week, the reunion kicked off with The Grande Dame nowhere to be seen. However, Karen did send a video message thanking the cast for their support during her DUI case. And she intentionally left Wendy out. Oop. But the biggest drama was between Stacey and Mia. Mia had invited Stacey to her birthday party in Miami and then ghosted her. She turned on the waterworks and asked for forgiveness, but Stacey didn’t receive it. Will the two be able to mend their friendship? Here’s exactly what went down in RHOP Season 9, Episode 19: “Reunion, Part 2.”
What happened in Real Housewives of Potomac Season 9, Episode 19?

The drama with Mia continued when her relationships were put into question. No one but Jacqueline (shocker!) believed her story. Mia couldn’t take the heat and ran off set once again. Meanwhile, Stacey dropped the bomb that she and TJ were no longer together. We need commentary from her bestie AJ, stat! Stacey also admitted Vivien was “dead” to her for dressing her in the same outfit as Ashley. A new Stacey seemed to be emerging, and maybe she wasn’t so prim and proper after all. At the end, TJ told Eddie and Greg some information so shocking it left Wendy stunned. Next week can’t come soon enough!
Ashley and Gizelle were still seeing their speed dating partners

It was Andy to the rescue as he talked Mia off of the ledge. She was hiding out in her dressing room after Stacey didn’t accept her apology for her behavior in Miami. Andy told Mia to snap out of her “shame spiral” and “give yourself a little bit of grace.” It worked, and Mia went back to her seat. Unfortunately, it was only about to get worse from there.
But first, it was time for a more lighthearted update. Gizelle was enjoying being an empty nester. She said she was only “legit sad for 28 hours,” but then felt the feeling of sweet, sweet freedom. Both Ashley and Gizelle were still seeing their speed dating partners, Nnamnse and Josh. Although, Ashley noted they “decided that we needed to chill a little bit.”
Andy then introduced newbie flute holders, Stacey and Keiarna. Cut to footage of Stacey being called “uninteresting,” her being celibate with TJ, and Greg not wanting to film with Keiarna. Keiarna shocked the group when she said she and Greg just went ring shopping. Is Greg finally being supportive?
While Greg wasn’t a fan of the cameras, Andy brought up that TJ was the opposite. Andy said to Stacey, “People seem to think your former significant other, TJ, had the opposite feeling about the cameras; he loved them.” Wendy cut in, “I’m sorry, you said former?” Stacey then spilled some major tea to the group. She and TJ were no more.
Stacey’s relationship with TJ has changed … sort of

No one was aware of that news. Stacey said seeing the way he talked to her on the show was a wake-up call. She added, “It was hurtful to hear people say that I was paying for him to be on the show. It was hurtful for people to say he was more interested in the trainer than me.”
Wendy raised her hand and admitted she was guilty of saying that and apologized. Stacey accepted and then dropped another bomb that her divorce was finalized. Andy said, “That was pretty quick actually,” while he side-eyed Ashley.
Andy wondered if Stacey was still best friends with TJ. When she said yes, Wendy joked, “So, nothing has changed.” Stacey quipped back, “Well, thanks for wrapping it up, Wendy.” The group then teased her and tried to get details if she and TJ did anything intimate, but Stacey wouldn’t kiss and tell.
However, Stacey did spill the beans about Vivien. It turns out that Vivien had custom-made Ashley a dress, and then put Stacey in that same dress for her Strut for Strays fashion show. And Stacey was pissed.
Andy asked her if she thought Vivien was being shady. Stacey replied, “I think it was quite obvious that she was being shady on purpose.” Wendy then jumped in with an un-lady-like comment from Stacey. She said, “She told me f*ck that bitch.” The group gasped. Since when did Stacey talk like that?
Fashion faux paws

Regardless, Stacey was still clearly heated. She added she “was mortified that she would put me in an outfit that one of my colleagues had already worn.” Gizelle joked, “That’s why it’s ‘f*ck you, bitch?’” Stacey was dead serious, but everyone was cackling. She concluded, “She’s dead to me, and it’s over.” Sounds like Vivien will be holding a flute next season!
Andy then brought up Wendy’s blue Michelin Man ensemble. He said, “Can I get my own personal thing off my chest? That blue Michelin tire man suit. I have never in 18 years texted a Housewife about an outfit.” Cut to his text to Wendy that read, “we need to discuss this dress, Professor!”
Keiarna got flack for her “cartoon supervillain shoulders,” and Ashley got asked if she owned a “full shirt.” Not likely. Andy called out Gizelle for being messy buying the dress Stacey didn’t want anyone to wear at her doggie fashion show. Wendy noted Gizelle gave her that dress after she wore it. She stated, “She just did it to get under her skin,” as she pointed at Stacey.
After the group teased Mia about her 613 shade of blonde, Stacey said, “She took a risk, and I applaud you for that.” Maybe there was hope for them after all. Gizelle then brought up Stacey’s hair. She claimed the group had never seen her ears, and she wanted to confirm Stacey wasn’t an “alien.”
Stacey took it in stride. She said she had sent Gizelle a video of her ears and asked her what she said back. Gizelle couldn’t remember, and Stacey joked, “Nothing.” Everyone lost it. But now it was time to get down to business.
Mia was in the hot seat

Mia’s number one sidekick, Jacqueline, came out looking radiant. She announced her baby was due in May, and she was being coy about who the father was. Ashley joked it could be her, but Jacqueline revealed he had never been on Bravo before.
Things suddenly got serious when Andy brought up Mia and her “love triangle” with Gordon and Inc. Wendy told Mia, “I feel as though you had this plan of you and Inc orchestrated for the season; it backfired on you … and so you said let me drop Inc and let me start posting pictures of me and Gordon again so it’s more palatable.” Time for the popcorn!
Gordon wasn’t there, but Mia said he had wanted to show up and apologize for making her look like a liar. Literally everyone shook their heads in disbelief. Ashley said, “It seemed like you had a motive this season of the show. Like you were looking at this as a production instead of being genuine as to what was really going on.”
Mia kept her composure until Gizelle called her a terrible mother. She then ran off set and hid in her dressing room. Wendy said, “I don’t do people doing sh*t and not being able to be accountable for their sh*t.” Will Mia return next week?
Meanwhile, Greg and Eddie were the first to arrive for their segment. So, they FaceTimed TJ to check in on him. Apparently, they got tea so piping hot, once Eddie texted it to Wendy, she shouted, “Shut the f*ck up!” To be continued…