Steve Simmons rips Ron MacLean to shreds in controversial new column


Steve Simmons is a Toronto Sun columnist who has always been known for his controversial reports that always seem to upset NHL players and coaches.

Recently, however, he took aim at Hockey Night in Canada legend, Ron MacLean. MacLean recently accepted an interview event for Rogers, which just purchased a huge stake in the Toronto Maple Leafs. Rogers has come under fire in recent years, and many believe that the company is overreaching by taking a majority stake in the MLSE.

The interview with Rogers and MacLean could be described as quite softball-esque. Having said that, Simmons ripped MacLean to shreds and argued that he should have never accepted the request, to begin with. It was a harsh column but one that some fans may actually appreciate.

'Ron MacLean should have said no. But clearly, his own self-respect has disappeared over time. He didn't have to participate in that dog-and-pony show interview with Ed Rogers and Tony Staffieri after the huge sale at MLSE.
MacLean has been around long enough to have walked away from that embarrassing infomercial.'

Needless to say, Simmons has an interesting perspective, but one that may prove to be controversial. After all, every Simmons column has been hit with some kind of criticism from the average NHL fan. Only time will tell whether or not Ron MacLean ever responds to these words.