Tһe Lаѕt Of Uѕ Seаѕon 2 Wіll Include One Gаme Retcon, Reveаlѕ Sһowrunnerѕ


Speaking at SXSW, Mazin and Druckmann confirmed that The Last of Us season 2 will be introducing spores to the TV show's universe. At 33:22, between joking about musical episodes, Mazin explained the importance of ramping up the stakes when it comes to how dangerous the infected are. He and Druckmann had a short back-and-forth confirming spores would be introduced in season 2, retconning their lack of presence in season 1. However, they also confirmed a "dramatic reason" for their inclusion. Check out what Mazin and Druckmann had to say below:

Craig Mazin: Escalation. Always. Thematically, a lot of what's going on in the season is evolution and change. Ellie is growing up, and she is changing. This town of Jackson is growing up. It is expanding. It's taking in refugees. It is changing. And while their world is changing, the outside is changing a little too. So it was important to us to always move the ball forward with the infected. It's not a question of just more, but something else. Something that is meaningful to what is going on so that they don't just become NPCs. So definitely, definitely an escalation. We're careful about it. Because we also know we have space yet to go for the two musical episodes [laughs]. So we want to make sure that we've, you know, keeping some powder dry. But yes, there is an escalation, no question.

Neil Druckmann: Yeah, there's an escalation of numbers and types of infected. But also, as you see in the trailer, an escalation of the vector of how this thing spreads. Season 1, we had this new thing that wasn't in the game, like these tendrils that spread. And that's that was one form. And then this one shot you see in this trailer, there are things in the air.

Craig Mazin: S'mores.

Neil Druckmann: Rhymes with.

Craig Mazin: Spores. Yes. They're back.

Neil Druckmann: They're back.

Craig Mazin: Spores are back. Scattered spores fans! Get it!

Neil Druckmann: And the reason, we really wanted to figure it out. And again, everything has to be drama. There had to be a dramatic reason of introducing it now. And there is.

The Last of Us season 2's trailer briefly teased the possibility of spores returning, with Mazin and Druckmann's comments acting as confirmation.

What Spores Mean For The Last Of Us Season 2

They're Going To Prove Dangerous For All Survivors

Bella Ramsey as Ellie wearing winter clothes and holding a shotgun in The Last of Us season 2.

The characters in The Last of Us season 2 are going to be in more danger than ever before now that spores are being added to their world. In the games, spores were a primary way through which Codyceps spread, with deceased infected growing fungus that shoots spores into the air. This is why the infected became so prominent so quickly in the games, with spores being one of the most fruitful ways the fungus was able to spread to so many people.

Spores were initially avoided in season 1, replaced by tendrils that had the infected be connected to one another through a hive mind. While it doesn't seem like that new concept is going away, the addition of spores means more dangerous situations with the infected are going to unfold. This means some scenes involving spores from the games may finally be adapted to the TV show, potentially remixed as characters learn about them for the first time. It's unclear if this means other The Last of Us game elements will crop up too, such as more frequent infected.

Our Take On The Last Of Us Season 2 Introducing Spores

A Perfect Way To Bring The Show Closer To The Games

Collage of Ellie at the end of The Last of Us season 1 and Ellie approaching a clicker in The Last of Us season 2 trailer

Source: SXSW/YouTube