On The Bold and the Beautiful, Finn has told Luna that her dreams have come true, and she now has the father figure she has been missing all her life. But will this come back to haunt Finn — literally?
Finn doesn't have a good track record with this sort of thing. When Finn found out Sheila was his birth mother, he wanted to have a relationship with her. Despite everyone's warning (including his wife, Steffy), Finn managed to look past Sheila’s murderous past in hopes of a family bond.

Now that Luna is his proven daughter on The Bold and the Beautiful, everyone, including Steffy, is worried that Finn will repeat the behaviour. Steffy is only just hanging on as she believes that Luna is locked away in prison, where she will live out the rest of her days in a cell. Little does Steffy know that Luna is on house arrest and not far away at the Spencer mansion. Will Finn tell Steffy this bit of relevant news? Will Luna bite the hand that feeds her? Here’s what the fans are saying on the Soap Central message boards.
Luna will try and kill Finn eventually on The Bold and the Beautiful

User Boldfan4ever wrote, “The ONLY thing that matters to Luna is keeping her connection to Bill alive and remaining under his roof. Poppy's behaviour is not the reason she killed. Luna always told RJ and others that Poppy was a great mother and she could have never wished for anyone better. BUT then after falling in love with Bill's mansion and what he could provide to her, her admiration for Bill turned to obsession. So much so that she framed her mother, killed two people and kidnapped steffy. Then when in jail her obsession with Bill continued with all the letter writing. Bill then takes her back to the mansion fuelling her obsession with him. if anyone turned Luna into a killer it was Bill.
NOW if Finn tries to break up that union, I have no doubt she will try and get rid of daddy Finn too.
24Kasie76 said, “‘daddy Finn lol’ funny, I am like literally cracking up tonight, re-watching bold and reading this now, and some spoilers, just posted a Whopper here tonight too lol but you're funny again Bold Fan and you just may be right she is straight loca. Crazy! you are probably correct, and i am not going to be shocked by it at all.”
“If they kill Finn, it would be to reunite steam.Finn or no finn, never ever steam again” — SC member Iecollegefoufou
Redheadteacher commented, “Luna's obsession with Bill has been significant, but I don't put it past her to latch on to Finn now. As we can assume that Finn, based on his interactions with Luna, is going to want to spend time with her, it will likely become an issue with Bill who foolishly believes that Luna has been following the rules of staying out of sight. If that happens, Finn will likely offer that she moves into the pool house at the cliff house which, we know, isn't going to fly with Steffy. I just don't see any happy endings coming from this reveal.
maryg said, “I would guess that Luna trying to kill Steffy would happen instead. Luna will want Finn all for herself.
YDoIStillWatch wrote, “Oh absolutely. Once she finds out Steffy will have nothing to do with her and demands the same of Finn, she will channel grandma Sheila. Or just ask her to help rid their new found family of the obstacle. Wonder how Deacon will take the news.

The most likely scenario is where Luna realizes she doesn't have the father she has always wanted. Steffy won't allow it and will be an obstacle to this for Luna. Therefore, she will have to be removed. Luna is cunning and calculating and, of course, very motivated. She is one dangerous young lady. How do you see this playing out?