The Impact of Danielle Olivera's Departure on 'Summer House': What the Show Will Miss


"Summer should be fun," but it looks like The Hamptons just got a little less enjoyable as one of their long-term cast members has decided to leave the show. Summer House star Danielle Olivera announced on June 25th that she will be leaving the show ahead of it filming their newest season. The star has been through her fair share of ups and downs while on the show, especially during her last two seasons, dealing with problems with her best friend Lindsay Hubbard and the breakup with Carl Radke. It will be an interesting summer without her in the main cast, but it doesn't mean she is not open to returning in a friend role as she did in the show's fourth season.

Danielle Olivera Departs Bravo's “Summer House” Ahead of Season 9:  'Heartbreaking'

With Danielle's departure from the show, it will be one to shift many of the alliances on the show, since Lindsay and her are back on good terms. Lindsay losing an ally will be big this season as it will be the season to show the aftermath of Lindsay and Carl's breakup. Not only that, but it also leaves viewers wondering how Danielle's relationship is with the girls in the house after having most of them go against her last season because of her antics of trying to get with the same guy as Gabby Prescod. Even though her relationships in the house may have been rocky, she will be missed as she was a key member of Summer House, bringing diversity into the show as a proud Latina. Danielle may have left on her terms, but not having her on the show will bring the diversity in the cast even lower. Danielle was the first Latina to come to the show, and her heritage was beautiful. Seeing how she integrated her culture during the show with her ex-castmate, Chris Leoni, was lovely. This summer is surely looking to be fun, and these cast shake-ups are keeping viewers excited for the new season.

A Void Will Be Felt Without Danielle

Throughout her time at Summer House, Danielle was always one of the cast members who would always have no filter. It didn't matter if her opinion may not have been necessary, but she has always had something to say because of how caring she can be. She has always been Lindsay Hubbard's ride-or-die, and even when they went through their big friendship breakup, Danielle always had Lindsay's best interest in mind. As the last season progressed, it could be seen that the two were getting back to having each other's backs, but Danielle was smart about not being too involved since that broke her friendship in the first place. Still, this season showed how the two got back together, as Danielle knew she needed Lindsay's back when her engagement ended. With Danielle not returning this new season, it'll be hard for Lindsay to navigate being in the house with her ex-fiance. Danielle would have been the perfect person to have during this tough time. There will also be a void in the home since she was single, and viewers enjoyed seeing her live her best single life after being with her ex-boyfriend Robert Sieber for many years. Besides being one of the single girls, Danielle brought another vibe to the house, thanks to her Latin heritage.

There aren't many Latin people on Bravo besides The Real Housewives of Miami. Danielle's involvement in a big franchise such as Summer House brought the diversity the network needed. It was especially beautiful to see her love her heritage and be even more proud when cast member Chris Leoni joined Season 7 of the show. During their time together, they decided to host a dinner in honor of their heritage. She went on to say on the episode how much she loved having Chris in the house, "I have really enjoyed this summer with Chris being in the house because in being someone who is Hispanic ... you brought this side out in me which I haven't shared with my housemates in ... ever," she shared. "I've always pushed down this part of my persona because I wanted to succeed. And me being a successful person meant being in finance and being around white people." Seeing a proud Latina show her culture to her friends became a moment of learning for many, and Danielle helped bring attention to this culture and why it is so important.

What That Goodbye Means for Danielle

Danielle Olivera portrait photo for "Summer House."

Danielle Olivera joined Summer House in its second season while it was still trying to figure out the cast. She came in as one of Carl Radke's friends who also happened to have dated him, so it was a complicated relationship. As the years went by, her relationship with Lindsay Hubbard became closer, and they became known as Arroz y Pollo. The two became ride or die for each other, and it became a friendship that many fans have loved for years.

Even though the two were closer than ever, they hit some rough points when Lindsay got engaged to Carl, and Danielle showed concern for her because of how fast they were moving. She said, "That's what I'm scared of. It's a little too fairytale-like. They're playing house." The issue with Lindsay shook Danielle up a lot, and it also didn't help that she had recently broken up with her longtime boyfriend. These last two seasons were a whirlwind for Danielle, but things were better for her during her previous season, since her friendship with Lindsay was back on track.

Taking a break from the show may be the right thing to do for her since she just launched her new app called DonneAlso, she had some issues with the girls this past season, so a time away from them is a good idea. She released a statement on her Instagram: "If I can't put 100% of myself into filming, genuinely and authentically, it doesn't feel right doing it in a full-time capacity. The network, production, my cast, and especially all of you deserve that."

Summer House is now streaming on Peacock.