Will The Rangers Make Igor Shesterkin Highest Paid Goalie In NHL History?


Send me your queries and no matter how difficult the question, I'll enthusiastically provide an answer. This toughie comes from Solon Mihas of Woodbury, New York.


On his upcoming contract, Igor Shesterkin’s camp reportedly wants 13% of the Rangers salary cap, roughly $12 million a year.

With that in mind, will general manager Chris Drury make Igor the highest paid goalie in NHL history?

The Maven replies:

There are two contrasting answers – the general manager's and The Maven's. Take your pick.

1. Chris Drury: Unless he has an ironclad-lifetime contract, the GM has no choice but to submit to Shesterkin's – via his rep – demand. Any attempt to stonewall Iggy will inspire a fan revolt and nothing less.

Over a three-series playoff run Shesty carried the team. That is, until the final game of the Panthers series. In that "Stanley Cup Or Bust" contest, Igor – in his prime – was busted by elderly Sergei Bobrovsky.

In the eyes of a majority of fans, that playoff setback is not on Shesterkin but rather an anemic offense when the chips were down and an injury-riddled defense.

CONCLUSION: Drury will cave because he figures that he has no other choice!

2. Maven's View: No goalie is worth that kind of dough. None! And especially one who couldn't even lead his team to the Final playoff round. Were Shesty's camp to view the contract issue from a TEAM perspective, the goalie would counter with a club-friendly offer so that Drury would have enough cap room to beef up his scoring, toughness and defense.

Iggy has proven himself a superior puck-stopper. But let's not forget his egregious mid-season slump that thrust Jonathan Quick ahead of the Russian as starting playoff crease guardian.

Were The Maven in Drury's shoes – and the Igor camp didn't meaningfully lower its demands. I'd show his agent the door. find a good, less expensive goalie and take my chances that Shesterkin's agent eventually would capitulate to The Garden's offer.

Which, by the way, would not consign Iggy to a life of poverty. Far, far, far from it!