RHOC Stаr Ryаn Boyаjіаn Sаys He іs Suіng Tаmrа Judge аnd Served Her Wіtһ Lаwsuіt аs Tаmrа Issues Aрology After Aссusіng Hіm of ‘Steаlіng’ From MLB Plаyer
RHOC Stаr Ryаn Boyаjіаn Sаys He іs Suіng Tаmrа Judge аnd Served Her Wіtһ Lаwsuіt аs Tаmrа Issues Aрology After Aссusіng Hіm of ‘Steаlіng’ From MLB Plаyer
Things have quickly escalated in the ongoing feud involving Tamra Judge and Ryan Boyajian, the fiance of Jennifer Pedranti as Ryan just revealed he is suing Tamra and has served her with lawsuit papers, which has now led to Tamra apologizing. During the most recent episode of The Real Housewives of ...

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