REPORT: Kіm Rісһаrds Plасed on Psyсһіаtrіс Hold аnd Tаken to Hosріtаl by Ambulаnсe, Plus Kyle Rісһаrds Attemрts to Hаve Her Removed From Home аs Fаmіly Worrіes for Her Lіfe
REPORT: Kіm Rісһаrds Plасed on Psyсһіаtrіс Hold аnd Tаken to Hosріtаl by Ambulаnсe, Plus Kyle Rісһаrds Attemрts to Hаve Her Removed From Home аs Fаmіly Worrіes for Her Lіfe
Kim Richards has reportedly fallen off the sobriety wagon once again. According to an upsetting new report, the 60-year-old Real Housewives of Beverly Hills alum, who has long struggled with addiction issues, was placed on a psychiatric hold after being described as “incoherent” at the Hilton Hotel ...

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